Sankalpam Project Implementation in AP schools

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Sankalpam Project Implementation in AP schools: Life Skills Session- for class 6th to 8th in 1300 schools- certain instructions to field functionaries and permission to the DMS & RMS of Magic Bus India Foundation Orders issued.

Sankalpam Project Implementation in AP schools
Sankalpam Project Implementation in AP schools

SE-SCERT – PEP – Implementation of Sankalpam Project-implementation of Life Skills Session- for class 6th to 8th in 1300 schools- certain instructions to field functionaries and permission to the DMS & RMS of Magic Bus India Foundation Orders issued – Reg  Proc. Rc. No. ESE02/975/2023-SCERT   Dated: 23/09/2023

Ref: Minutes of the meeting approved by the Commissioner of School Education, Dated: 19.09. 2023 held at Samagra office.

The Sankalpam project for life skill training is being implemented in 1300 high schools in the state (@50 per district). This is a program for empowering adolescent children studying in class 6 to 8 in Government schools through a teacher led, activity based like-skill training program. For imparting this training in a structured manner, SCERT faculty along with the experts from Magic Bus has developed contextualized curriculum. This will be implemented through 20 sessions @ one period on every Friday of the week in the selected schools. The 20 sessions shall be completed by 1st March, 2024. Due to time constraints, and with a view to facilitate completion of all the 20 sessions, it is decided to add 5 more days, other than Fridays.

The date wise sessions are to be delivered as indicated in the table given below and the 20 life skill sessions should be completed as per the Schedule. The PETS/PDs/Teachers, who were trained as district resource group (DRG) will be responsible from Government side and District Facilitators & Regional Managers from Magic bus India Foundation are responsible for the implementation of the programme.

The Head Masters of concerned schools should lead the SANKALPAM project and ensure regular reporting of the sessions delivered through Google sheet / KOBO Form already communicated. The SANAKLPAM Project monitoring and hand holding visits will be done by respective District Facilitator (Magic Bus), District Secretary of SGF. SRGS & SCERT faculty allotted to each district as District level team.

Instructions to the District Facilitators & Regional managers of Magic Bus India foundation as below:


  • It has been decided to deliver the Core Life Skills session in all 1300 schools across the state on every Friday and any other day as allotted by the HM as per the timetable. If Friday happens to be public holiday, then the session will be delivered on the immediate next working day.
  •  A date-wise timetable up to 1st march, 2024 has been prepared and communicated to all 1300 schools through proceedings and Magic should visit the schools as per the time table for smooth implementation SANKALPAM Project by following the date wise timetable without any deviation.
  • All the DMs of the Magic Bus should visit the school only on Fridays/ and allotted days. When there is any session delivered in the schools, Magic Bus team should maintain proper protocol and dignity.
  • All the DFS should submit their visit reports to the Sate Nodal Officer, SCERT by the end of the day without fail and has to follow up with the PD/PET of the schools, where the session delivery details are not uploaded in the KOBO/Google sheet developed by Magic Bus.
  • If any kind of issues are raised by the PETS/PDs/Teachers in delivering the session, the Magic Bus team has to provide support and handhold the teachers to conduct the session effectively.
  • The Regional Managers of Magic Bus will monitor the DMs day to day activities and help the teachers if any issues raised, Head Masters & DEOS with the help of Dr. P. Hema Rani, Nodal officer & Director, SCERT. The RMS & DFs should be careful while performing their duties in the schools.
  • If an issue is raised by any HM/teachers regarding the behavior of the RMs/DFs, it will be viewed seriously and stringent action will be initiated by the Commissioner of School Education, A.P.
  • If any issue is faced by the PETS/PDs/Teachers in delivering the session, it may be reported to the district-level monitoring committee for resolution of the issue. Further, if the issue is not resolved, the matter may be posted to State- level monitoring team.


Instructions to PETS/PDs/ Teachers:


  • It has been decided to conduct the Core Life Skills session in all 1300 schools in the state on one day i.e., Friday and also other days allotted as per the timetable. If Friday happens to be a public holiday, then the session will be delivered on the immediate next working day.
  • A date-wise timetable up to 1st march, 2024 has been prepared and communicated the same to all 1300 schools through proceedings and Magic bus team should visit the schools as per the timetable. The PETS/PDs/Teachers shall cooperate to deliver the session successfully. After completion of the session, a limited number (i.e.1 or 2 only) of photos, capturing the key events of the session, can be posted in their groups.
  • If any problem faced during the session delivery, the school facilitators may be approached and if any problem is faced by DFS, the complaint may immediately be forwarded to the Head Master and higher authorities.
  • The life skill project (Sankalpam) is necessary to every child, it may be implement in a positive way.
  • All the HMs are requested to modify the session delivery date indicated in time table if needed, and ensure that 20 sessions are completed on or before 1st March, 2024.

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