Creation of Position IDs to these newly
created Mandal Educational Officer.II posts and mapping them to Assistant Director
Sri S.Suresh Kumar, IAS Commissioner of School Andhra Pradesh,
Education,Mangalagiri,- 522503.
The Director of Treasuries & Accounts,
1st floor, Nidhi Bhavan, Behind APIIC Building, IT Andhra Pradesh, Ibrahimpatnam, Mark,Vijayawada,
Lr.Rc.No.11024/13/2023-EST1-CSE, Dt: 16/09/2023.
Sub: School Education – Creation 679 Mandal Educational Officer.II posts in the state for effective monitoring of the academic and non-academic activities in School Education Department – Creation of Position IDs to these newly created Mandal Educational Officer.II posts and mapping them to the Assistant Director.I DDO codes of concerned District Educational Ofcers – Request – Regarding.
Ref: 1. G.O.Ms.No:154 dated 16.09.2022 of the SE(Ser.I) Dept. date 16.09.2022.
- G.O.Ms.No.56, School Education (Seraices-1) Department, dated 20- 06- 2023.
- This ofce e Lr.Rc.No.1102431332023-EST1-CSE,Dt:2030232023.
- e Lr.FIN02-12069312632023-H-SEC-DTA dated 27-02-2023 of the Director of Treasuries and Accounts, AP, Amaraiati.
- This ofce e Lr.Rc.No .ESE02-1102431332023-EST 1-CSE, Dt:0430932023

I wish to inform you that, in the reference 1st cited, Goiernment haie issued orders creating (i) 13 Mandal Educational Ofcer -I posts and (ii) 679 Mandal Educational Officer.II posts in the state for efectiie monitoring of the academic and non academic actiiities in School Education Department duly obtaining the concurrence of the fnance Department. Accordingly the MEO II POSTS were flled up with the Headmasters Gr.II of the ZPP Management in May- 2023.
Further it is informed that, Goiernment haie issued orders iide reference 2nd cited, restructuring the existing (53) Educational Diiisions into (74)
Educational Diiisions in the restructured districts by re-appropriating the existing Deputy Educational Ofcer (Dy.E.O) posts in district ofces to ensure @ one Deputy Educational Ofcer post to each of all the 74 Reienue Diiisions, to strengthen the diiisional superiisory structure of School Education Department in the districts, as carried out in the following manner, and changing the nomenclature of the Deputy Educational Ofcer (Zilla Parishad) as Deputy Educational Ofcer in Education Department duly obtaining the concurrence of the fnance Department.
Further it is informed that it was decided to keep the Deputy Educational Ofcers of the concerned Diiision as the DDOs to the said newly created Mandal Educational Ofcer.II posts for Administratiie conienience. Accordingly Data has been obtained from the District Educational Ofcers in the state and it has been requested the Director of Treasuries & Accounts, A.P, Amaraiati iide this ofce iide reference 3rd cited for creating position IDs to the 679 Mandal Educational
Ofcer.II posts and creating DDO codes to the newly restructured D EO posts and attaching Mandal Educational Ofcer.II position IDs to the Deputy Educational Ofcers concerned.
Further it is informed that, the Director of Treasuries & Accounts, A.P, Amaraiati has requested iide iide reference 4th cited to obtain the concurrence
of Finance department for the G.O 2nd cited for taking necessary action in the matter.
Accordingly a letter iide reference 5th cited is addressed to the Principal Secretary, School Education (SE.Ser.I) Dept., Goiernment of AP, Amaraiati for obtaining the concurrence of the Finance Department, as requested by the Director of Treasuries & Accounts, A.P, Amaraiati.
In this connection, it is informed that, for the last four months the Mandal Educational Ofcer.II who were appointed in terms of G.O. 1st read aboie are
unable to draw their salaries due to non-allocation of positions IDs and non- attaching to the DDO codes. Further it may take 1-2 more months, to complete the exercise iiz obtaining fnance concurrence, creating posting IDs, attaching DDO codes etc. as discussed.
In this regard, I wish to inform that, the Assistant Directors o3o District Educational Ofcer in the state haie DDO codes, organization IDs and they are acting as Drawing and Disbursing Ofcers to the o3o the District Educational Ofcer in the State.
Therefore, to aioid hardship of the Mandal Educational Ofcer.II, as a stop gap arrangement, it is decided to keep ADs in o3o the District Educational Ofcer as DDOs to the Mandal Educational Ofcer.II, working in the District and to claim the salaries of the MEO.II as per the applicable rates of HRA, CCA etc.
In iiew of the aboie, I request you to take immediate necessary action in
this regard.
Early action in the matter is highly solicited.