APOSS: SSC, Intermediate admissions,Fee particulars 2023-24

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APOSS: SSC, Intermediate admissions,Fee particulars 2023-24: Admissions in SSC and Intermediate
Courses of AP Open Schools Society for the academic year 2023-
24- Fee particulars -Communicated-

APOSS: SSC, Intermediate admissions,Fee particulars 2023-24

Sub: APOSS, Amaravati, Guntur – Admissions in SSC and Intermediate
Courses of AP Open Schools Society for the academic year 2023-
24- Fee particulars -Communicated- Regarding.

Ref: 1. G.O.Rt.No.723 School Education (Budget-SSA) Department

  1. G.O.Ms.No.170 Higher Education (IE.II) Department,
  2. Note orders of the Principal Secretary to Government,
    School Education Department, Andhra Pradesh APOSS in Rc.
    No APOSS- 13/3/2023-ADMIN SEC-APOSS -1, Dt:25.07.2023.
  3. Procs. Rc.No. APOSS-13/3/2023 ADMIN SEC APOSS-
    1,Dt:25.07.2023 of this ofce.

All the District Collectors and District Educational Ofcers are aware
that the admission schedule, for admission into SSC & Intermediate
courses, for the academic year 2023-24, under ‘Open and Distance
Learning’ (ODL) mode, in the A.P Open School Society, is commenced from
27.07.2023 and is in progress.
The prospective learners can get admission into SSC & Intermediate
courses of APOSS through an online web link provided in the ofcial
website: www.apopenschool.ap.gov.in. Further, bring the admission of
APOSS to the habitation of the learner, the online admission link is
extended to all the 15,004 Ward and Village Sachivalyams, across the
state, where, the Educational Assistant of Sacchivalyam will help the
learner in the online process of admission.
The details of admission fee for admission into SSC & Intermediate
courses and examination fee are communicated for information and
necessary action.

Admission Fee to be paid at the time of admission by the learner
through APT Online Service Centres:

Optional fee as chosen by the candidate to be paid at the time
admission by the learner through APT Online Service Centres:

Sl.No Nature of fee SSC Intermediate
1 Additional sixth subject Rs.150/- Rs.200/-
2 Transfer of Credits per subject (ToC) Rs.150/- Rs.200/-

In the Admission schedule with late fee, the candidate has to pay late fee
in addition to the regular fee.

Examination fees to be paid by the learner through APT Online
Service Centres:

S.No Details SSC Intermediate
1 Registration & Examination fee Rs.100/- Rs.150/-
2 Theory per subject Rs.100/- Rs.150/-
3 Practical per subject Rs.100/-
4 Tatkal fee (in addition to exam fee) Rs.500/- Rs.1,000/-

In the examination fee payment schedule with late fee, the
candidate has to pay late fee in addition to the regular fee.
On receipt of the SMS to the learner, to his registered mobile
number regarding the confrmation of his admission, the learner has to
pay the prescribed admission fee through any one of the APT Online
Service Centres across the state or the learner can also pay through the
‘Payment Gateway’ link provided in the ofcial website:
www.apopenschool.ap.gov.in, ensuring the transparency and prohibiting
cash transactions



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