IFP Training Videos IN AP SCHOOLS

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 IFP Training Videos IN AP SCHOOLS

 School Education – Technology-enabled teaching and learning -Training of Government Teachers on ICT by Engineering Faculty – Training of Trainers (ToT) program to Engineering Collage Faculty – Follow-up programs – Communicated – Reg Procgs. Rc. No. APSCHE/Secv/SE/ToT/Eng.Faculty/2023 & ESE02-

31021/12/2023-1T-CSE Dated: 01/06/2023



1. Lr. No.APSCHE/Secy /SE/To T /Eng. Faculty /2023, dated 23.05.2023

2. Rc.No. ESE02-31021/12/2023-IT-CSE (Computer No.2051258) Dt. 24.05.2023.


All the Registrars of JNTU Kakinada, JNTU Anantapur, JNTU G Vizianagaram, Andhra University, SV University, Acharya Nagarjuna, SK University, Adikavi Nannaya, Dr B.R. Ambedkar, Yogi Vemana, Krishna University, Rayalaseema University, SPMVV, RGUKT, Regional Joint Directors of Schools Education, District Educational Officers, Additional Project Coordinators of Samagra Shiksha in the state are informed that Andhra Pradesh State Council of Higher Education, A.P and Department of School Education have entered into an MoU to support various training institutes, Byju’s and other technology providers for developing the training modules, and imparting the training to teachers regarding technology-enabled teaching and learning through IFPs, Smart TVs and TABs.

It aims to operationalize and strengthen the training throughout the academic year in respect of technology to enable teaching and learning with onsite and offsite support mechanisms. These data-driven teacher training reforms in Andhra Pradesh would envisage impacts on student learning outcome measurement, teacher professional development, and live monitoring at all levels of the education ecosystem. This will also enhance teaching practices, and capacities of teachers, capture inputs by teachers, and observers and provide actionable insights based on all the data points that are captured through all the tools adopted by the service providers.

In this connection, a workshop was organized with 300 participants in two groups @ 150 each, consisting of 2 faculty from each engineering college from all districts and 26 Byju’s district nodal persons at State Headquarters on 26th may 20233. In this connection, a workshop was organized with 300 participants in two groups @ 150 each, consisting of 2 faculty from each engineering college from all districts and 26 Byju’s district nodal persons at State Headquarters on 26th May 2023. In the workshop, the faculty attended from various Engineering Colleges were made aware of the features of Interactive Flat Panel, Smart TV and Byju’s learning App to support the teachers and students of Andhra Pradesh who were provided with Tabs and schools supplied with digital infrastructure.

    In continuation of the workshop, the following activities are proposed to perform at the district level:

      •  Mapping of schools and there by staff to the nearest Engineering College is done as per attached Annexure-I.
      • The engineering college shall function as a mentor institute for the mapped schools
      • The engineering college shall impart in-person training to the teachers on the usage of IFPs and Smart TVs including basic ICT concepts in a two day session with hands on practice.
      • They shall also focus on the Understanding Byju’s learning app.

      Therefore, the Registrars are requested to communicate the same to the Principals of constituent/affiliated Engineering Colleges (as per the enclosed list) and to ensure that the trained faculty at State Headquarters impart the training to the teachers as per the mapped schools (Annexure-I).

      The Regional Joint Directors of School Education and District Educational Officers in the state are also directed to depute the teachers to the identified venue as per the mapping of schools to the Engineering College and ensure that all teachers are made aware of the usage of IFPs/ Smart TVs and the navigation of the content of the Byju’s App.

      Further, the Registrars are directed to ensure that the students of mentor institutes are tagged to the schools @ 1 per school for onsite support to the teachers and students for a period of one month. The students shall be present in the school during such period. The timelines for this activity shall be issued separately in due course of time.

      The training program at Engineering College level shall be conducted in the first fortnight of July 2023 as per the capacity and convenience of the Engineering College and Faculty not exceeding 40 teachers per class. The District Educational Officers are directed to consult with the managements of the Engineering Colleges concerned and to depute the teachers accordingly duly furnishing the compliance to the undersigned.

        Dear DEOs,

        As you are aware that for all the teachers, we are arranging training program at the nearest Engineering colleges, however, before going for training they should start using IFPs after watching the training videos of SCERT which are uploaded on YouTube channel.


        After only having some hands-on experience training will be useful. Today I went to a school where IFP has been placed almost one-and-a-half weeks back, but teachers are not using it and they are waiting for training. This training will be useful only after a teacher has hands-on experience. We should not keep the installed IFPs idle even for a single day.

        With Regards


        AP Schools IFP Training Videos

        IFP Smartboard usage Videos Links YouTube ఛానెల్‌లో అప్‌లోడ్ చేయబడిన IFP SCERT శిక్షణ వీడియోలు:

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