FLN Foundational Literacy and Numeracy – AP SALT project – 120 day certificate course for Anganwadi Workers

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School Education – SCERT, AP – Foundational Literacy and Numeracy – AP SALT project – 120 day certificate course for Anganwadi Workers – KRPs training from 07-07-2023 to 12-07-2023 for 6 days in Residential mode at Madhuvan Grand, Enikepadu, Vijayawada, NTR district – Deputing Identified DIET faculty and Secondary Grade Teachers – Order issued Regarding Proc.Rc.No:ESE02-22/27/2023-SCERT (Part-2) DT: 04/07/2023


1. NEP-2020 and NIPUN Bharat.

2. MoU signed with ASER Centre (Pratham) by Government of Andhra Pradesh, dated 17-08-2022.


ALL the Regional Joint Directors of School Education, the District Educational Officers and the DIET principals in the state are informed that the National Education Policy – 2020 has stipulated that attaining Foundational Literacy and Numeracy (FLN) for all children must become an immediate national mission. Towards this end, the Department of School Education & Literacy has Launched a National Mission called “National Initiative for Proficiency in Reading with Understanding and Numeracy (NIPUN Bharat) for ensuring that every child necessarily attains Foundational Literacy and Numeracy (FLN) by the end of Grade 3, by 2026-27.


In view of the above, Department of School Education, AP and Women Development and Child Welfare Department (WD & CW), AP has found that a dire need has arisen for high-quality and developmentaLLy appropriate class room transaction to give play-based, activity-based, experiential-based Learning from the early years of birth as 85% of brain development occurs between 3 to 6 years of age. Therefore, Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) plays a vital role to achieve Foundational Learning and Numeracy.


In this context, Department of School Education and Women Development and Child Welfare department in association with ASER (Pratham) is developing 120-day certificate course for all Anganwadi workers across three years under Supporting Andhra’s Learning Transformation (SALT) Project.


In this regard, the Department of School Education along with ASER (Pratham) is imparting 6-day residential KRP training to the identified DIET faculty and Secondary Grade Teachers (SGTs) from School Education Department and CDPOs/ACDPOs from WD & CW department for 120–day certificate course at Madhuvan Grand, Enikaepadu, Vijayawada, NTR district from 07-07-2023 to 12-07- 2023. These KRPs shall have to give training to DRPs at their respective districts.


Therefore, all the District Educational Officers and DIET Principals in the state are requested to depute identified DIET faculty and SGTs as per the List annexed to these proceedings to attend the 6-day state Level residential training programme on the above mentioned certificate course related to FLN(ECCE).


ALL the DIET faculty and secondary grade teachers are requested to report on 07-07-2023 by 9 am at the allotted venue to attend the KRP training without fail.


For further queries, Smt. K .Rama Mani – Cell No. 9492978673 & 7013872803 and Dr. K. Saritha – Cell No.9441896699 may be contacted.


This has got the approval of Commissioner of School Education, A.P.

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