Mandal Educational Officers-II FILLING GUIDELINES

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Mandal Educational Officers-II FILLING GUIDELINES

School Education Department – Filling up the posts of Mandal Educational Officers-II with the working MEOs belonging to ZP Management and with Headmaster Grade-II of ZP Management High Schools – Govt. Orders communicated – Certain instructions issued – Regarding Rc.No. ESE02-11022/18/2023-EST 1-CSE Dated: 16/06/2023


1. G.O.Ms. No:154 School education (Ser.) Dept., Dated:16.9.2022.
2. This Office Lr.Rc.No. ESE02-11022/18/2023-EST1-CSE, Dated: 05.2023.
3. G.O.Ms.No.47, School Education (Ser.II) Dept., Dt:22.05.2023.
4. Memo.No.1438516/Ser.I/A1/2021,Dated:14.06.2023. 


The attention of all the Regional Joint Directors of School Education and District Educational Officers in the State is invited to the reference read above, wherein the Government has accorded permission to fill up the posts of Mandal Educational Officers-II (i) with the existing MEOs of Z.P Management(by transfer) and (ii) with the Headmasters Grade-II in Z.P. Management Schools(by transfer based on seniority and willing),subject to the outcome of all the Writ Petition(AT)s/Writ Petitions/ Contempt cases and SLP if any pending before the Hon’ble Courts.

All the Regional Joint Directors of School Education and District Educational Officers in the State are requested to strictly adhere the rules issued in the reference read above and follow the Guidelines and schedule (annexed) without any deviation.

The details of the guidelines are as follows.

  1. The MEO-II post may be filled by taking Erstwhile district as Unit of appointment as being done in case of the HM grade-II of ZP Management.
  2. The existing MEOs of Z.P Management who are posted other than native districts previously under Zonal Category may be considered to appointed district as a unit by duly obtaining options for places.
  3. Combined seniority list of MEOs/Gr-II HM of ZP Management may be prepared as per Guide Line-I @ 1:2 ratio.
  4. Counselling may be conducted calling the eligible candidates as per the instructions issued above inviting the MEOs/Gr-II HM of ZP Management to exercise their option for the post of Gr-II HM/MEO-II.
  5. In case any existing MEOs of Z.P Management desires to work as HM She/He may be given a chance to be posted as HM Grade-II in their original appointment district in the vacancy to be arisen due to posting of ZP HM as MEO-II

Encl: as stated above.

Tentative Schedule for filling MEO-II Posts-June,2023


Name of the Item






Preparation of final seniority list of Existing of MEOs/ Gr-II HMs of ZP Management working in the District @ 1:2 ratio

17th             June 2023




Conduct of counselling by duly obtaining the option from existing MEOs/Gr-II HM of ZP Management for the post of MEO-II, as per the Seniority list

18th            June, 2023




Reporting to new place in the cadre of MEO-II

19th             June 2023




Download Guidelines and Schedule

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