Exemption from Biometric attendance to visually impaired employees working in Government Establishments

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Exemption from Biometric attendance to visually impaired employees working in Government Establishments

Lr.No. D/1867943/2022, Dt:16/11/2022



WDA, TG & SC – Exemption from Biometric attendance to visually impaired employees working in Government Establishments –Request – Reg.


  1. Memo No.144/103/2017-Prog.II/A1, Dated:01.01.2019

    Department of Women, Children, Differently Abled and Senior Citizens (Copy enclosed).

  2. Proceedings Rc.No. ESE02/498/2022 Dt:29.08.2022 of the Commissioner of School Education A.P, Amaravathi (Copy enclosed).

  3. Letter from the General Secretary, National Federation of the Blind, India vide Lr.No.203/NFB-Ap, Dt:07.11.2022.


I wish to inform you that vide reference 3rdcited, the General Secretary, National Federation of the Blind India has represented this office and stated that blind employees are facing difficulties in registering their attendance through Aadhar – Enabled Biometric Attendance System (AEBAS) and in registering employee attendance using facial recognition through the mobile app in all State Government Departments. He requested to take necessary steps to continue the exemption to the Blind employees from marking their attendance through the mobile application, duly permitting them to continue the old system of marking attendance as the existing system involved technical and operational issues in registering of their attendance.

In this connection, it is informed that vide reference 1st cited, the Government, Department for the Women, Children, Differently Abled and Senior Citizens issued orders exempting the Visually challenged employees from the Bio-Metric attendance duly permitting them to continue the old system of marking attendance.

Further, the Commissioner of School Education A.P., Amaravathi vide reference 2nd cited, has also issued orders giving special exemption to Visually Challenged employees as per the provisions laid by the Disabled Welfare Department and providing manual registers for marking attendance by the Visually Challenged Employees in utilization of the application and marking of the teacher attendance through school attendance App.

In this connection, it is to inform that the Section 20(I)(2) the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016 mandated that “Every Government establishment shall provide reasonable accommodation and appropriate barrier free and conductive environment to employee with disability”.

In view of the above, I request you to kindly issue orders exempting the Visually Challenged Employees working in Government establishments from Bio-Metric attendance duly permitting them to continue the old system of marking attendance.


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