NCF 2022: National curriculum framework for foundational stage

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NCF 2022: National curriculum framework for foundational stage

Nacional Curriculum Framework for Fondational Stage
It is with a great sense of pride and satisfaction that I submit this National Curriculum Frame-
work for the Foundational Stage (NCF), on behalf of the National Steering Committee for Nation-
al Curriculum Frameworks to Shri Dharmendra Pradhan, Hon’ble Minister of Education, Govern-
ment of India.
The National Education Policy (NEP) 2020 is a transformative initiative to usher India to prepare
itself to meet the challenging demands of a 21″ century knowledge society. The NCF is one of the
key components of NEP 2020, that enables and energizes this transformation, informed by the
aims, principles, and approach of NEP 2020. Its objective is to realise the highest quality educa-
tion for all our children, consistent with realising an equitable, inclusive, and plural society as
envisaged by our Constitution.
This is the first ever integrated Curriculum Framework for children between ages 3-8 in India. It
is a direct outcome of the 5+3+3+4 ‘curricular and pedagogical structure that NEP 2020 has
come out with for School Education.
The Foundational Stage envisions an integrated approach to Early Childhood Care and Educa
tion; for children between ages 3-8. The transformative nature of this phase of education is ex-
pected to qualitatively improve the contents and outcomes of education, thereby, impacting the
lives of our children towards a better future. All studies and research related to the early period.
of development of a child, unambiguously leads to the conclusion that high-quality care and ed-
ucation during this period has a lifetime of positive consequences for all individuals and thus, the
This NCF is based on cutting-edge research from across the world in multiple disciplines which
includes among other things better understanding in the fields of neurosciences, brain study,
and cognitive sciences. Further, the accumulated insights from the practice of Early Childhood
Care and Education, and the wisdom and knowledge from diverse Indian traditions are also im-
portant considerations. As articulated in NEP 2020, it uses ‘play’ at the core of the conceptual,
operational, and transactional approaches to curriculum organization, pedagogy, time and con-
tent organization, and the overall experience of the child. It also lays a clear path for the goal of
achieving foundational literacy and numeracy as articulated in NEP 2020, with age-appropriate
National Curriculum Framework for Foundational Stage
To ensure that this NCF is responsive to the needs and aspirations of our people, and the nation,
and is also informed by the very best experience and knowledge, we have conducted widespread
consultations across the country. This process has benefited from the engagement of over 10
lakh interested citizens including students and parents, and over 1.3 lakh teachers and educa
tionists from across the country, over 1550 district level consultations from 32 States and Union
Territories, and 35 groups of institutions. These consultations are in addition to over 500 papers
on 25 specifically relevant themes written by groups constituted by the States and Union Terri-
tories which all together had over 4000 experts, and 25 papers on these themes developed by
expert groups with over 175 members, constituted by the National Council for Educational Re-
search and Training.
While this NCF is informed by this collective knowledge and wisdom, the real challenge came
when we had to analyse these inputs and develop a cogent, pragmatic, and effective synthesis
that will enable changes in practices on the ground. This, in turn, called for the NCF to be present-
ed in a language, structure, and with a variety of illustrations, such that practitioners, including
most importantly Teachers, should be able to relate it to their current realities. 1 emphasise this
aspect of the work of this Committee, primarily, to highlight the several challenges arising from
the needs of developing innovative methods and approaches.
We believe that any such framework must be improved with feedback from impleme
the ground, and that we shall do, after a reasonable experience of its implementation
This curriculum framework will be an integral part of the of the overall National Curriculum
Framework for School Education, which is under development, and will address the remaining
three stages of the 5+3+3+4 structure, covering education for children up to the age of 18. So,
while this NCF is complete in itself, its connections and implications to the other Stages, will be
settled in the overall National Curriculum Framework for School Education. Further, this Foun-
dational Stage framework will also guide the preparation of the Teachers for this Stage of educa-
We are grateful for the opportunity to contribute to Indian education and through t

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