Mana Badi Nadu Nedu Phase-II – Sand Supplies – Revised Sand Work Flow – Implementation Guidelines

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Mana Badi Nadu Nedu Phase-II – Sand Supplies – Revised Sand Work Flow – Implementation Guidelines

Mana Badi Nadu Nedu Phase-II – Sand Supplies – Revised Sand Work Flow – Implementation Guidelines – Regarding Circular no: 1881539 /MBNN/2022 Date: 27/10/2022


Ref: Decision taken in the review meeting held on 22.10.2022 and 26.10.2022.


As Sand has become a critical component in Phase 2 of Mana Badi Nadu Nedu program in view of the large scale construction of Additional class rooms in Schools and Jr. Colleges, the process of procurement , receipt, stocking and distribution needs streamlining.


Earlier the Sand supplies were made by M/S JPPVL on behalf of Mines & Geology Department for Mana Badi Nadu-Nedu Programme till 10th September 2022.

In order to streamline the system of Sand Supplies the following procedure is finalized and will be followed here after.

Sand Supplies to School Stock Points:

    Receipts Procedure:

    • 1571 School Sand Stock Points are identified in the State and the Schools are mapped to these School Stock Points. Mines & Geology Department have identified 171 Sand depots in the State and these are mapped to 1571 School Stock Points. The CRPs have mapped them to the nearest JP Depots. As of now 71 JP depots are active and the remaining will become active later.
    • The CRPs are requested to map nearest active Sand Depot to School Stock Point as a 3rd option (Incase 1st& 2ndoption are inactive) and the Additional Project coordinators and District Educational Officers shall enter the distance between the new JP Depot to School Stock Point, after approval of the Distance by the District Collector.
    • The total requirement of Sand for Phase-II for each CRP is enclosed (Annexure-I) to this circular and is made available in CRPs login.
    • The CRPs have to raise indents to the active JP Sand depots only after confirming the availability of Sand at JP Depot, CRP can raise indents to JP depot for the maximum limit of the requirement of that School Stock Point subject to availability of storage space.
    • After receipt of indents the In-charge of JP depot will supply Sand through a lorry and enter the details of lorry No, date, lorry driver name and mobile number in the App.The details will be visible to the CRPs and the lorry with load will arrive at School Stock Point.
    • After receipt of Sand the CRP will enter the quantity of Sand received as per the kata slip and enter the distance from JP Depot to School Stock Point, charges and submit. The necessary details shall be obtained from lorry driver along with way bill at the time of Sand receipt only. The way bill, kata charges slip, toll charges details shall uploaded by the CRP.
      • The details will be visible to M/S JPPVL for 24hrs to make any corrections in the data and after 24hrs the data will be treated as deemed to have been confrmed.
      • The CRP will approve the data and process the same for payment to Mandal Engineer will push to FAO and FAO will push to APC. The APC will approve the payment and send to CFMS for making payments.

      Supply Procedure (Issue of Cement to Schools):

        • Engineering Assistant will raise indent as per the requirement at site, and process to Mandal Engineer.
        • Mandal Engineer will select the School Stock Point in the Mandal where Sand is available and process indent to the Head Master.
        • Head Master will raise indent to the selected School Stock Point and enter the details of person who will go to School Stock Point with vehicle and receive sand at School Sand Stock Point.
        • Head Master receives sand at School and shall acknowledge the receipt of Sand in the App by uploading the way bill.
        • After receipt of sand the HM will process transfer entry order materials to School Stock Point from where the Sand is supplied.

          Stock Balance:

          The CRP shall maintain physical stock register also along with the online data available. CRP shall enter all receipts, issues and arrive at balances on daily basis. Basing on the quantity available the CRP shall raise indents to JP depots from time to time and ensure availability of Sand at the Stock Point.


          Sand Supplies to Schools through Coupons:

          • The Schools having JP depot within their mandal or the Schools interested to take Sand from the JP depots directly duly furnishing the indent at JP depot.
          • At JP depot the indents will be scanned with OR Code and after verifying the correctness of indent the In-charge of JP depot will issue Sand to the School.
          • Existing procedure in place will continue for schools outside the mandal they can lift Sand directly from JP depots after sending a request to APCs / DEOs with details of JP depots and after approval of the State

            All the Additional Project coordinators and District Educational Officers to note that CRP who is In-charge of the School Sand Stock Point (SSP) should ensure availability of Sand at the Stock Points. Additional Project coordinators and District Educational Officers should facilitate the HMs to lift sand through coupons and School Sand Stock Points.


            The above instructions will be followed strictly by all Additional Project coordinators and District Educational Officers, CRPs, HMs, Mandal Engineers and other concerned field staff.


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