TSACS: various posts Recruitment 2022 Notification

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TSACS: various posts Recruitment 2022 Notification

Applications are invited from qualified and suitable candidates for various posts to work at ART Centers across the Telangana State.

Vacancy list at ART Centers in various districts of Telangana State




Name of the Center

Name of the Post




Osmania Hospital

Medical Officers



Staff Nurse




AH, Bharachalam





AH, Nalgonda

Medical Officers


The Terms of Reference for various posts are as follows


Job Description


Medical Officer


Qualification & Experience: M.B.B.S

Key Job Responsibilities: 1. He/She has to work under the guidance and supervision of the

SMO/Nodal Officer. 2. He/She should examine the patients, advise required investigations, including CD4 count, review the investigations and prescribe the treatment (this includes ART, referral to other departments such as RNTCP centers for treatment of tuberculosis, treatment of STIs and prophylaxis and/or treatment of opportunistic infections) 3. Refer the cases to the Senior Medical Officer, Nodal Officer or any other specialist for further expert opinion and interventions including admission and inpatient care, if required 4. He/She must also coordinate with the CCCs and LACs attached to the ART centre. Ensure drug adherence and counsel the patient towards safe sex, condom usage, proper nutrition and positive living. 5. Monitor the consumption and availability of ARV drugs, Ol drugs, CD4 kits, other consumables and appraise


the Senior medical Officer for making necessary arrangements and check the ART drug store and sign in the register every fortnight. 6. He/She must update the prescribed columns in White cards and Green books and should assist Senior Medical Officer in supervising the staff at the centre, record keeping and reporting. 7. He/She must attend the Monthly coordination meeting held at the District Level, ART-CCC coordination meetings, review meetings by NACO/SACS and attend training programs conducted for the Medical Officers, whenever deputed. 8. He/She has to ensure the attach guideline for running and maintaining the ART centre abided by 9. In case SMO is not there, he/she is the focal point for EID for HIV exposed babies found reactive using DBS at ICTC and referred to the ART centre. 10. Besides all the above, any officer duty assigned by ART Centre In-charge pertaining to ART Services

Remuneration: Rs. 72,000/-


Staff Nurse


Qualification: General nursing(GNM)/ B.SC. Nursing.

Experience: 5 yrs experience in GNM /Bsc. and 1 yr experience in HIV/AIDS field.

Eligibility: He/She have to do multitasking including work of staff nurse, pharmacist and

counselors as per requirement and directions of nodal officer. Computer savvy candidates may also be preferred for the post.

Key Job Responsibilities: 1.Perform baseline assessment of the patient including pulse BP

weight, height etc 2)Asses the physical social and psychological needs of the patient 3) Provide need based nursing care and support to the patients 4)Focal point for all issues related to pregnant positive women and HIV exposed child and early infant Diagnosis (EID)incase counselor not there 5)Maintain the daily, summary sheet, compile it on monthly basis and give it to the data manager 6)Coordinating and tracking the referrals made within the Hospital by establishing linkages with various departments and inpatient wards. 7) Streamlining and guiding patients at the ART centre and helping in the efficient and orderly functioning of the centre. 8).Assist in record keeping and maintenance of patient documents as and when required . 9).Counseling of patients as and when required. 10). Collection of blood samples for CD4 testing and arrange/perform its transportation to the linked lab during the absence of Lab technicians as and when required. 11). Provide reports to the doctor and other members of the ART centre multidisciplinary team. Ensure implementation of the UWP and proper waste disposal at the centre. 12). To monitor and ensure the implementation of various infection control measures. Role of nurses at the ART centre in HIV-TB coordination:

a. Do regular screening of the patients for symptoms of pulmonary/extra pulmonary TB. b. The
lab form given to the TB suspect to be stamped by the nurse with the ART centre stamp to


facilitate fast tracking of the patient for sputum testing. c. Reinforce cough and hand hygiene practices among the suspects/diagnosed pulmonary TB cases. d.Keep a record of the patients referred from ART centre to Designated Microscopy centre(DMC) for the diagnosis of TB with the help of line list. Co-ordinate with STS to ensure completion of the line-list. e. Attend the monthly RNTCP meeting along with the completed line list for the month to be shared with the concerned STS. f. Maintain the TB/HIV register at the ART centre ensuring timeliness, accuracy and completeness. g. Prepare and submit the monthly TB/HIV report to SACS through ART centre in charge.

Remuneration: Rs. 21,000/-




Qualification: 1. Graduation in pharmacy from a recognised institute. (Or) 2. Diploma in

Pharmacy with 3 years experience in health care institute. Note: They (both graduate & diploma

holder) must be registered in state pharmacy council.

Key Job Responsibilities: 1. Dispense ARV and Ol drugs with proper counseling. 2. Advise the

patients and family about the importance of adherence during each visit. 3. Counsel the patient on possible drug toxicities and report the same, if significant 4.Do pill count report any adverse effectiveness of drugs or any Ols. Also, confirm the next visit given by the SMO/ MO and inform the patient. 5. Prepare a “Daily Due” list of patients who are scheduled their appointment and provide the list of MIS patients to the counselor. 6. Maintenance of the drugs stores. 7. Maintain and update drug stock and drug dispensing register rugularly everyday. Inform the concern medical officer in case of discrepancy. Duly take a signature every fortnightly the stock register. 8. Ensure that the center enough stock of ARV dugs for atleast 3 months and inform the concerned authority about any near expiry or excess stocks well in time for relocation to other sites and ensure FEFO protocol allowed. 9. Physical verification of the drugs under the supervision of the nodal officer and the SMO. 10. Facilitate the transfer/ availability of ARV drugs LAC as the number of patients linked LAC. 11. Besides all the above, any other duty assigned by ART center incharge.

Remuneration: Rs. 21,000/-

Applications are also invited for various posts in ICTC / PPTCT Centers, Clusters and TSACS head office.

The Terms of Reference for various positions and the number of vacancies are  as follows


Job Description


ICTC/PPTCT -Lab Technician ; Number of Vancancies – 9


Qualification & Experience: Graduate in Medical Laboratory Technology (B.Sc); with minimum 1 year experience after graduation.


(OR)  Diploma in Medical Laboratory Technology (DMLT); with minimum 2 years experience after diploma. The services of existing LTs, who do not hold a DMLT may be

continued if they have done a certificate course in Medical Laboratory Technology and have
more than 5 years experience of working in the ICTC/PPTCT/ART centre run under the


National AIDS Control Programme.


Other experience required:


1. Working knowledge of computers.


Key Job Responsibilities: 1.Undertake HIV testing according to standard laboratory
procedure. 2. Keep the facility neat and clean at all times. 3. Ensure that adequate stock of
consumables and rapid HIV diagnostic kits are available in the ICTC. 4. Keep a record of


HIV test results as well as a stock of rapid HIV diagnostic kits and consumables. 5. Ensure the maintenance of all laboratory equipment. 6. Scrupulously follow internal and external quality assurance procedures. 7. Follow universal safety precautions and strictly adhere to hospital waste management guidelines.


Remuneration: Rs. 21,000/-


Job Description


Cluster Programme Manager (CPM) ; Number of vacancies – 5


Qualification: Master’s degree in Public Health  (MD/DNB)/ Healthcare Management/

Healthcare Administration/ Social Science/ Psychology/ Applied Epidemiology / Demography/ Statistics/ Population Sciences gsr

Experience: 3 years’ experience in Public Health for MD/DNB or Master/ Post Graduation in

Public Health/  Health Administration/ Applied Epidemiology. 2. 5 years’ experience in Public Health for Masters in Demography/  Statistics/   Population Sciences with minimum of 2 years of experience in HIV/AIDS sector.gsr

Key Job Responsibilities: The suitable candidate will be familiar with the organization and functions of the state and local public health systems/ State AIDS Control Societies. • S/he will have excellent written and verbal communication skills in local languages and English (Speaking, Reading and Writing) and the ability to work well in an inter-disciplinary team. • Strong analytical, Advocacy and negotiation skills

· Demonstrated ability to analyse policy issues and to communicate findings and policy
recommendations to a variety of audiences.

·  Willingness to travel extensively.

·  Previous experience in the state is desirable

· Preference to be given to a candidate with experience of National AIDS Control Programme

·  Other Expertise include:

o Analytical Skills

o Programme Management Skills

o Good knowledge of computers

Remuneration: Rs. 54,300/-


Clinical Services Officer (CSO) ; Number of vacancies – 5


Qualification: Master’s degree in Public Health (MD/DNB)/  Healthcare Management/

Healthcare Administration/ Social Science/ Psychology/ Applied Epidemiology / Demography / Statistics / Population Sciences

Experience: 1 years’ experience in Public Health for MD/DNB or Master/ Post Graduation in

Public Health/ Health Administration/ Applied Epidemiology.

3 years’ experience in Public Health for Masters in Demography / Statistics/ Population Sciences with minimum of 1 years of experience in HIV/AIDS sector

Key Job Responsibilities: The suitable candidate will be familiar with the organization and

functions of the state and local public health systems/ State AIDS Control Societies.


• She/he will have excellent written and verbal communication skills in local languages and English (Speaking, Reading and Writing) and the ability to work well in an inter-disciplinary team.

Strong analytical, Advocacy and negotiation skills

Demonstrated ability to analyse policy issues and to communicate findings and policy
recommendations to a variety of audiences.

Willingness to travel extensively.

·Previous experience in the state is desirable

Preference to be given to a candidate with experience of National AIDS Control Programme

Other Expertise include:

o Analytical Skills

o Programme Management Skills o Good knowledge of computers

Remuneration: Rs.46.800/-


Data Monitoring and Documentation Officer: (DMDO) ; Number of vacancies – 5


Qualification:       Master’s degree in Public Health (MD/DNB)/ Healthcare Management/

Healthcare Administration/ Social Science/ Psychology/ Applied Epidemiology / Demography/ Statistics/ Bio Statistics/ Population Sciences.

Experience: • 1 years’ experience in Public Health for MD/DNB or Master/ Post Graduation in

Public  Health/ Health Administration/  Applied Epidemiology.

3 years’ experience in Public Health for Masters in Demography/ Statistics/ Population Sciences with minimum of 1 years of experience in HIV/AIDS sector

Key Job Responsibilities: The suitable candidate will be familiar with the organization and functions of the state and local public health systems/ State AIDS Control Societies.

She/he will have excellent written and verbal communication skills in local languages and English (Speaking, Reading and Writing) and the ability to work well in an inter-disciplinary team.

· Strong analytical, Advocacy and negotiation skills

· Demonstrated ability to analyse policy issues and to communicate findings and policy
recommendations to a variety of audiences.

·  Willingness to travel extensively.

·  Previous experience in the state is desirable

·  Preference to be given to a candidate with experience of National AIDS Control Programme

· Other Expertise include:

o Analytical Skills

o Programme Management Skills o Good knowledge of computers

Remuneration: Rs.37,500/-


Job Description


Joint Director (IEC) ; Number of Vacancies – 1


Qualification & Experience:

PG Degree from a recognized university/ institute. Or MBA Min 8 yrs exp in the field of developmental/health communication including planning and implementation in of IEC campaign    

Desirable: PG Degree/ PG Diploma in Mass Communication. Exp in the field of advertising Experience in preparation of Audio Visual Aids and display material in a responsible position,

Knowledge of AV Media & proficiency in handling audio-visual aids for training purposes. Knowledge of modern training techniques.

Working knowledge of local language

Experience in handling Outdoor/mid-media activities/event management etc.

Key Job Responsibilities :

1. Draw up an Annual Action Plan as per IEC and Mainstreaming strategy under NACP IV and ensure its implementation 2. Ensure development of IEC materials and its dissemination through different media channels

3.  Coordinate with different stakeholders for implementation of IEC plan

4.  Liaison with NRHM for possible convergence in dissemination of messages

5.  Ensure availability of IEC Materials at different service centres

6.  Sensitize and engage media and health journalists on issues pertaining to HIV/AIDS.

7.   Advocacy of different stakeholders such as political leaders, Panchayats and other key influencers.

8.  Undertake supervisory visits in the field and ensure monitoring and evaluation of IEC/Mainstreaming programmes

9.  Draw up a training calendar and its implementation

10.  Compile and submit a monthly assessment report to DAC on IEC plans and programme implementation in the state

11. Reporting in SIMS

Remuneration: Rs. 67,900/- No. of vacancies: 1


Deputy Director (ICTC) ; Number of vacancies – 1


Qualification & Experience: MBBS with PG Degree/Diploma in Community Medicine/ PSM/

Community Health Administration or equivalent in public health fields with minimum 7 years experience after MBBS including PG Degree/Diploma duration OR M.Phil (desirable PhD) degree in Psychology/Social Work/ Sociology/ Clinical Psychology/ Medical Microbiology with minimum 3 years experience after M. Phil or 2 years experience after PhD

Key Job Responsibilities :

1.Monitor and supervise the implementation of PPTCT programme in the state.

2. Plan and supervise the implementation of scale up plan for PPTCT services to the level of CHCs, 24 hrs PHCs and Private Sector Health Institutions.

3. Make regular field visits to ICTCs/PPTCTs in the state, especially to poorly performing centres.

4.  Organize review meetings of District Supervisors and all Counselors of ICTCs. 

5. Liaise with senior officials of  the National Rural Health Mission (NRHM) and regularly   conduct coordination meetings.

6.Ensure that PPTCT line list is maintained at all facilities in state and reporting is done on periodic basis at district & state level.

7.Monitoring and analysis of data related to PPTCT programmatic indicators to be done on regular basis.

Remuneration: Rs. 50,680/- No. of vacancies: 1

TSACS: తెలంగాణ ఎయిడ్స్ కంట్రోల్ సొసైటీలో మెడికల్ ఆఫీసర్లు భర్తీకి నోటిఫికేషన్ విడుదల.

తెలంగాణ ఎయిడ్స్ కంట్రోల్ సొసైటీ రాష్ట్రంలోని ఏఆర్టీ సెంటర్లలో పనిచేయడానికి వివిధ పోస్టుల భర్తీకి దరఖాస్తులను ఆహ్వానిస్తోంది.

మొత్తం ఖాళీల సంఖ్య: 33

1. మెడికల్ ఆఫీసర్లు 04 పోస్టులు

2. స్టాప్ నర్స్: 02 పోస్టులు

3. పార్మసిస్ట్లులు; 01 పోస్టు

4. ల్యాబ్ టెక్నీషియన్: 09 పోస్టులు

5. క్లస్టర్ ప్రోగ్రామ్ మేనేజర్: 15 పోస్టులు

6. క్లినికల్ సర్వీసెస్ ఆఫీసర్: 15 పోస్టులు.

7. డేటా మానిటరింగ్, డాక్యుమెంటేషన్ ఆఫీసర్: 05 పోస్టులు

8. జాయింట్ డైరెక్టర్ (ఐఈపీ) 01 పోస్టు

3. డిప్యూటీ డైరెక్టర్ (ఐపీటీవీ) 01 పోస్టు 

అర్హత: ఎంబీబీఎస్, బీఎస్సీ నర్సింగ్, జీఎన్ ఎం, డీఫార్మసీ, బీవెన్స్ ఎంవలిటీ, వెండి, డివినిటి, వెంటవె

ఎంపిక ప్రక్రియ: రాత పరీక్ష, ఇంటర్వ్యూ ఆధారంగా

దరఖాస్తుకు చివరి తేదీ: 30.09.20 22. 

  • Interested candidates for positions in ART centers should submit their filled in applications along with the self attested Xerox copies of their educational qualification and experience at the office of the respective ART Centers Hospital Superintendents.
  • Interested candidates for positions in ICTC/PPTCT, Clusters, TSACS should submit their filled in applications along with self attested Xerox copies of their educational qualification and experience at the Office of Project Director, Telangana State AIDS Control Society, Hyderabad.
  • Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted for certificate verification, written test and interview. The selection process will be based on academic qualification and experience and may also include written test and or skill test (wherever required), and interview as may be decided depending on the total number of eligible applicants.
  • All the eligible and interested candidates may send their filled in applications in the format given below in a sealed cover super scribing the name of the position for which they are applying on or before 20.09.2022 by 6.00 PM.

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