India Coast Guard Recruitment 2022 (DB, GD) & Yantrik, Apply Online for 300 Posts

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India Coast Guard Recruitment 2022 (DB, GD) & Yantrik, Apply Online for 300 Posts


Indian Cost Guard Recruitment Notification 2022 Examination Fee: 

Candidates (except SC/ST candidates, who are exempted from payment of fee) are required to pay a fee of Rs. 250/-(Rupees Two Hundred Fifty Only) through online mode by using net banking or by using Visa/Master/Maestro/Rupay Credit/Debit Card/UPI. E-admit card will be issued for the examination only to those candidates who have successfully paid the examination fee and who are entitled for waiver of examination fee.

Indian Cost NAVIK, YANTIK Recruitment 2022 Eligibility Conditions: Online applications are invited from MALE INDIAN CITIZENS possessing educational qualifications and age as prescribed below, for recruitment to the Post of Navik (General Duty), Navik (Domestic Branch) and Yantrik in the Indian Coast Guard, an Armed Force of the Union.

Indian Cost Guard Recruitment Notification 2022 Educational Qualification:

  • Navik (General Duty). 10+2 passed with Maths and Physics from an education board
    recognized by Council of Boards for School Education (COBSE).
  • Navik (Domestic Branch). Class 10thpassed from an education board recognized by
    Council of Boards for School Education (COBSE).
  • Yantrik. Class 10th passed from an education board recognized by Council of Boards for
    School Education (COBSE) and Diploma in Electrical/ Mechanical / Electronics/ Telecommunication (Radio/Power) Engineering of duration 03 or 04 years approved by All India Council of Technical Education (AICTE). OR

Class 10th&Class 12th passed from an education board recognized by Council of Boards for School Education (COBSE) “AND” Diploma in Electrical/ Mechanical / Electronics/ Telecommunication (Radio/Power) Engineering of duration 02 or 03 years approved by All India Council of Technical Education (AICTE).

Note: –  List of equivalent diploma for recruitment in Yantrik cadre in Electrical, Mechanical and Electronics & Telecommunication (Radio/Power) Engineering (Engg) branch as mentioned below:-

Electrical                  Engineering (Diploma)

Mechanical                Engineering (Diploma)

Electronics / Telecommunication (Radio / Power) Engineering (Diploma)

Electrical and Electronics (Power System)

Marine Engg/ Marine Engg and Systems

Advanced  Electronics and Communication Engg

Electrical and Electronics Engg

Mechanical Engg

Electronic Instrumentation and Control Engg

Electrical       and    Instrumentation


Mechanical Engg (Production)

Electronics Engg

Electrical and Mechanical Engg

Mechanical Engg (Automobile)

Electronics (Fibre Optics)

Electrical Engg

Mechanical    Engg    (Refrigeration

and Air Conditioning)

Electronics and Communication Engg

Electrical Engg (Electronics and Power)

Mechanical     Engg     (Repair       & Maintenance)

Electronics and Electrical Engg

Electrical Engg (Industrial Control)

Production Engg

Electronics and Telecommunication


Electrical Engg (Instrumentation and control)

Ship building Engg

Electrical Power System Engg

Age. Minimum 18 Years and maximum 22 years as follows: –

(a) Navik (GD), Navik (DB) and Yantrik. Born between 01 May 2001 to 30 Apr 2005 (both dates inclusive).

Note:- Upper age relaxation of 5 years for SC/ST and 3 years for OBC (non-creamy) candidates is applicable only if posts are reserved for them.

Indian Cost NAVIK, YANTIK Recruitment 2022 Vacancy: The tentative number of post for category wise recruitment is as follows: –








Navik(General Duty)







Navik (Domestic Branch)







Yantrik (Mechanical)







Yantrik (Electrical)







Yantrik (Electronics)








Note:- These vacancies are tentative and may change depending on availability of training slots.

  • For simplicity, Yantrik (Electronics/ Telecommunication (Radio/Power)) will be referred as Yantrik (Electronics) in the advertisement.
  • Even if there is no vacancy reserved for SC/ST/OBC (non-creamy)/EWS category candidates, such candidates can still apply. However, they will not be eligible for any age and passing marks concession/relaxation etc. SC/ST candidates are exempt from payment of application fee even in such case.

Indian Cost NAVIK, YANTIK Recruitment 2022 Selection Procedure:

Theselection of candidate is based on an all India order of merit based on their performance in Stage-I, II, III & IV (explained in detail at para 6) and meeting the laid down medical standards during medical examination and the number of vacancies available for the post. Clearing of Stage-I, II, III, IV and satisfactory performance in training is compulsory for recruitment in ICG. All candidates will be compulsorily subjected to identity check prior commencement of the examination of Stage- I, II, III of CGEPT. The identity check will include verification/matching of following at all four stages of selection procedure:-

  • Photograph of the candidate in the application form with the facial features/Physical appearance of the candidate at Stage-I, II, III & IV.
  • Biometric –Only left thumb biometric will be captured at the Stage-I of examination. The biometric data so captured will be matched with biometric impression captured at the subsequent In case the biometric of left thumb is not captured during Stage-I then the biometric of right thumb will be captured and will be used for subsequent verification. Apart from left and right thumb, no other finger will be considered for the biometric. If candidate is not able to establish biometric with left or right thumb impression, then the candidate will not be allowed to appear for the examination and his candidature will be cancelled.
  • Signature as uploaded in the online application.
  • Identification mark as mentioned in the online application.

Note: Failure in even one of the above identity check at any stage will lead to cancellation of candidature. The candidates to check various examples for filling of name, father’s name, identity card number and date of birth on  tverification.pdfprior filling online application.


The details of various stages of CGEPT examination are as follows: –

(a)   Stage- I –Written Examination.

required to bring following documents for verification while reporting at their respective examination centre: –

(aa) Valid original Identity proof (Aadhar Card OR PAN Card OR Voter ID card ORDriving License ORPassport) as submitted/uploaded in the online application.

(ab) 01 Coloured printout of E-admit card (black & white print out not allowed).

(ac) 02 in no. passport size colour photograph with similar facial features as uploaded in the online application.

(ad) For SC/ST applicants only: – Original caste certificate and 02 photocopy of self-attested SC/ST certificate, original train/bus ticket, cancelled cheque leaf for NEFT payment and travel form downloaded from website for claiming TA.

Note: The details of candidate (Name, Father’s name, DoB, etc.) mentioned in online application&E­admit cardis to be matched with the Identity proof(Aadhar Card OR PAN Card OR Voter ID card OR Driving License OR Passport)uploaded by the candidate in the online application. Any discrepancy in Name/DoB/Identity card no./Photograph/Father’s name in the above documents with respect to information in the online application &E-admit card will lead to cancellation of candidature. It is to be noted that no other document will be checked at Stage-I and it’s only a preliminary basic document verification. The detailed document verification will be carried out at Stage-II and Stage-III as per the rules mentioned in succeeding paragraphs.

Biometric Recording. Candidates whose identity is verified with the original document will undergo biometric recording at Stage-I. The biometric data captured at Stage-I will be matched and verified at subsequent stages i.e. Stage-II, Stage-III & Stage-IV.

The candidate has to take following tests depending on post applied:-


Post Applied

Written Test

Passing Marks



Navik (DB)

Section I

30 (UR/EWS/ OBC) 27 (for SC/ST)



Navik (GD)

Section (I+II)

30+20=50 (UR/ EWS/OBC) 27+17= 44 (SC/ST)

Passing in section  I and  II separately is compulsory


Yantrik (Electrical)

Section (I+III)

30+20= 50 (UR/EWS/OBC) 27+17= 44 (SC/ST)

Passing  in section   I  and III separately is compulsory


Yantrik (Electronics)

Section (I+IV)

30+20= 50 (UR/EWS/OBC) 27+17= 44 (SC/ST)

Passing    in      section     I and   IV separately is compulsory


Yantrik (Mechanical)

Section (I+V)

30+20= 50 (UR/EWS/OBC) 27+17= 44 (SC/ST)

Passing in section I and V separately is compulsory


The details of various section of written exam are as follows: –


Related Post

Name           Of

Details of Examination

Subject                wise

Passing Marks





allocation            of






Section I

Maximum Marks – 60

Time – 45 mins.

Total no. of Questions – 60

Maths – 20 Science – 10 English – 15 Reasoning–10 GK – 5

30   (UR/EWS/      OBC


27      (for        SC/ST

Class           10th



Section II

Maximum Marks – 50

Time – 30 mins.

Total no. of Questions – 50

Maths – 25 Physics– 25

20   (UR/EWS/      OBC


17      (for        SC/ST

Class 12thMaths& Physics Syllabus


Section III

Maximum Marks – 50

Time – 30 mins.

Total no. of Questions – 50

Electrical    Engineering

– 50

20   (UR/EWS/      OBC


17      (for        SC/ST

Diploma     Level

Electrical Engineering syllabus


Section IV

Maximum Marks – 50

Time – 30 mins.

Total no. of Questions – 50

Electronics Engineering – 50

20   (UR/EWS/      OBC


17      (for        SC/ST

Diploma     Level

Electronics Engineering syllabus


Section V

Maximum Marks – 50

Time – 30 mins.

Total no. of Questions – 50

Mechanical Engineering – 50

20   (UR/EWS/      OBC


17      (for        SC/ST

Diploma     Level

Mechanical Engineering syllabus


Note:- (aa) The question paper for section I, II, III, IV & V will be objective type with four options. The candidate has to choose the correct option. There is no negative marking in the written examination test. The detailed syllabus for section I, II, III, IV & V is available on ICG website.

(ab) Tie-Breaking Rule in Merit – In case of two or more candidates having the same marks in Stage I, then the tie will be broken in steps as follows (wherever tie is broken next stage will not be proceeded): –

(aaa) Candidate scoring more marks in Section–I {applicable only for Navik (GD) and Yantrik and not for Navik (DB)}.

(aab) Candidate older in age will be higher in merit.

(aac) Candidate scoring more aggregate percentage (upto three decimal places) in qualifying exam (Class 10th for Navik (DB), Class 12thfor Navik (GD) and diploma for Yantrik) as per the post applied will be considered by the Recruiting Authority based on marks/ CGPA entered by the applicant/ candidate and aggregate percentage will be calculated on the basis of top five scoring subjects as promulgated by the Board of Education/ University.

(b) Stage-II Based on the performance in the Computer Based Online Examination, a merit

list will be prepared and provisional E-admit card for Stage-II will be issued as per the vacancies available and ratio decided by ICG. If the candidate is shortlisted for Stage-II then he will be required to upload additional documents as mentioned at Para 7 (e) below. E-admit card for Stage-II will not be generated till the additional documents are uploaded by the candidates within a time period as mentioned on ICG website. Failure to upload the additional documents within the time frame promulgated by ICG will lead to cancellation of candidature.The duration of Stage – II will be from 1 to 2 daysand will be conducted at the centre as allotted to a candidate in the provisional E-admit card for Stage-II. Stage-II involves following test which are onlyqualifying in nature i.e. either ‘Provisionally Pass’ or ‘Fail’: –

(i)  Physical Fitness Test (‘Provisionally Pass’ or ‘Fail’): Candidates undergoing PFT will do so at their own risk. All candidates are advised to be in possession of sports rig (Shoe, T-shirt, Trouser etc). The PFT consists of:- 

  • 1.6 Km run to be completed in 7 minutes.
  • 20 Squat ups (Uthak Baithak).
  • 10 Push-up.

All three test of PFT are to be carried out in continuity without any break. Any break in the three test will lead to failing the PFT

Document Verification (‘Provisionally Pass’ or ‘Fail’)All the information provided in the online application has to match with all the original documents like grade X/XII/ Diploma mark sheet/Identity proof(Aadhar Card OR PAN Card OR Voter ID card OR Driving License OR Passport)/caste certificate/individual subject and aggregate marks/percentage. Any mismatch/inconsistency/errorwith the information provided in the application form with the documentsin respect to “Name, Date of birth, Parent’s name, subject wise marks/percentage/CGPA (as applicable), validity of documents, Caste certificate details etc.” will lead to failure in document verification and the candidature will be cancelled. Applications with blurred photograph, signature, uploaded documents and thumb impression will be rejected during document verification. If proper photograph is not uploaded by a candidate, his candidature will be cancelled.The clarity of images in uploaded documents are mandatory. Any discrepancy or anomaly in clarity of images of uploaded documents in the online application will lead to cancellation of candidature. The documents uploaded are to be legible, readable and complete or else, the candidature will be rejected. The date of issue of all documents has to be the closing date of application or any date prior to closing date of applicationThe validity of all the uploaded documents has to be at least up to 31 Aug 23. In case of anymismatch of information provided in the application form, document uploaded (at online application Stage-I and II) and original documents produced for physicalverificationat Stage-II then the candidature willbecancelled. Any false declarationin the online application will lead to cancellation of candidature. Common reasons for rejection during Document Verification can be checked at ml.

Initial Medicals Examination (‘Provisionally Pass’ or ‘Fail’). The medical officer may put the candidates as permanently unfit or temporarily unfit. The candidate can appeal on the finding of the initial medical examination. The appeal medical to be completed “within 21 days if permanently unfit” or “within 42 days if temporarily unfit” after completion of initial medicals. No further review/appeal is permissible if declared unfit/fail in appeal medicals. No other Medical fitness certificate other than that of the specialist opinion in a military hospital is admissible during appeal medical. The validity of initial medical is only up to 06 months. The candidate will be required to undergo another initial medical examination if the recruitment process is delayed due to any unforeseen event like COVID pandemic or any other circumstances.

Note: The schedule in conduct of Initial medicals may change and may be conjoined with final medicals at any stage as per discretion of the recruiting authority, subject to administrative or technical reasons.

(c) Stage – III. Based on the performance in Stage-I & Stage-II, an all India merit list will be

prepared and a provisionalE-admit card for Stage-III will be issued as per the vacancies available and ratio decided by ICG. The duration of Stage-III is 1 to 2 days. Stage-III involves following: –

Document Verification (‘Provisionally Pass’ or ‘Fail’). All the information provided in the online application has to match with all the original documents like grade X/XII/ Diploma mark sheet/Identity proof (Aadhar Card OR PAN Card OR Voter ID card OR Driving License OR Passport)/Caste certificate/individual subject and aggregate marks/percentage. Any inconsistency in all the documents and application with respect to “Name, Date of birth, Parent’s name, subject wise marks/percentage/CGPA (as applicable), Validity of documents, Caste certificate details etc” will lead to failure in document verification and cancellation of Applications with blurred photograph, signature, uploaded documents and thumb impression will be rejected during document verification. If proper photograph is not uploaded by the candidate as mentioned below at para 7(e)(i)(aa), his candidature will be cancelled. The clarity of images in uploaded documents are mandatory. Any discrepancy or anomaly in clarity of images of uploaded documents in the online application will lead to cancellation of candidature. The documents uploaded are to be legible, readable and complete or else, the candidature will be rejected. The date of issue of all documents has to be the closing date of application or any date prior to closing date of applicationThe validity of all the uploaded documents has to be at least up to 31 Aug 23The candidate can ‘fail’ in document verification in Stage-III, even if the candidate is declared ‘provisionally pass ‘during document verification at Stage-IIIn case of any mismatch of information provided in the application form, document uploaded (at online application, Stage-I and II) and original documents produced for physical verification at Stage-III then the candidature will be cancelled. Any false declaration in the online application will lead to cancellation of candidature. Common reasons for rejection during Document verification can be checked at

    Final Medicals at INS Chilka. Final Medical Examination {Review Medicals as
    part of Final Medical (‘Provisionally Pass’ or ‘Fail’)} of all selected candidates will be done at INS Candidates, who are not found medically fit in the final medical examination at INS Chilka, will NOT be enrolled for training. “An Appeal” is permitted for medically unfit candidates after the final enrolment medical examination at INS Chilka and will be given an opportunity to appeal against the findings if they so desire at a Military Hospital as decided by the Coast Guard within a maximum period of 12 days or as decided by INS Chilka. The candidate will travel to the selected Military Hospital and back on their own expense for Appeal Medical Examination.

    Submission of Original Document, Police Verification and Other Associated Forms. All candidates are to submit original documents, police verification forms and other associated forms along with the E-admit card of Stage-III. Candidates should be in possession of police verification from either place of domicile or place of present residencewhich should have been obtained after the last date of submission of application form. Candidates without the verified police verification reports or reports with adverse comments will not be eligible for enrolment. The format for the police verification form can also be downloaded from the website

      (d) Stage–IV. The candidates who clear Stage III and stand in merit as per the vacancies

      available will be provisionally shortlisted for training at INS Chilka. The candidates are to submit all the original documents and verification of all original documents through Boards/Universities/State government will be carried out by Indian Coast Guard. Candidate will be terminated from service if the documents are reported as not genuine by respective Boards/Universities/State government.

      How to Apply for Indian Cost NAVIK, YANTIK Recruitment 2022:

      • Applications will be accepted ‘Online only’ from 08 Sep 22 (1100 hrs) to 22 Sep 22 (1730 hrs). Candidates are to logon to and follow the instructions for registering yourself with E-mail ID/mobile number. The candidates are to ensure validity of E-mail ID and mobile number at least up to 31 Aug 23. The candidates are to remember their registered E-mail ID and mobile number as the same would be encrypted in the application form. If the candidate forgets his E-mail ID or mobile number, then he would not be able to login in candidate’s dashboard and neither would he be able to download E-admit card or see his result and ICG would not be responsible for this. No request for retrieving the registered E-mail ID or mobile number will be entertained.
      • Candidates are directed to abide by the guidelines for filling the application form as mentioned
        on Failure to abide by these guidelines will result in the cancellation of candidature.
      • Candidates to abide by the FAQs on website
      • The candidate can apply for only one post viz. either Navik (DB) or Navik (GD) or
        Yantrik (Mechanical) or Yantrik (Electrical) or Yantrik (Electronics) in one cycle. The candidature of candidate will be cancelled if multiple applications are applied by the candidate for more than one post in response to this advertisement and exam fees will not be refunded. In case of multiple applications for only one selected post, the latest filled application will be accepted, however, the exam fees will not be refunded. Online application will be further scrutinised for eligibility and may be rejected at any stage if found ineligible in any respect. For any query regarding application, the candidate can contact through e-mail at and telephone no:- 020-25503108/ 020-
      • Documents to be uploaded in the application. The candidates will be required to
        upload documents in two phases. Few documents are required at the online application stage and few are required to be uploaded if shortlisted for Stage II. The candidates are to scan the original documents (neither photocopy nor self-attested photocopy is to be scanned) as applicable for the post applied and upload in the online application.

      (i)  Compulsory Documents to be uploaded by all candidates during filling of online application.

      • Passport size recent colour photograph (should not be older than three months prior to the date of opening of application) (front portrait in light background without head gear except for Sikhs). The photographs is to be taken with candidate holding a black slate in front of his chest with his name and date of photograph taken, clearly written on it with white chalk in capital letters. The photograph should be without cap, spectacles and both ears should be visible.If the proper photograph is not uploaded by a candidate, his candidature will be cancelled.
      • Candidate’s scanned signature image.
      • Scanned Clear Left-Hand Thumb Impression Image.
      • Date of Birth proof (Birth CertificateORClass 10thmarksheet in Hindi or English only).
      • Identity proof (Aadhar Card OR PAN Card OR Voter ID card OR Driving License OR Passport).
      • Service Certificate/ NOC if candidate is serving ICG Personnel or ICG civilian.

      Documents to be uploaded if shortlisted for Stage II. If the candidate is shortlisted for Stage-II of the recruitment procedure, then he will be required to upload following certificates as per the post applied: –

        All Candidates.

        • Category Certificate {SC/ST/OBC(Non-Creamy layer)/EWS}.
        • Class 10th marksheet.
        • Class 10th certificate.
        • Additional mark sheet for Class 10 (if applicable).
        • Formula for conversion of CGPA/ Grade into percentage of Class 10th (if applicable).
        • NOC from Govt Organization if the candidate is employed.NOC should be dated on or after the date of application.
        • Domicile Certificate (if applicable)-Resident Certificate is not ‘Domicile Certificate’. Candidates uploading ‘Resident Certificate’ in place of ‘Domicile Certificate’ will not be eligible. To be uploaded only by candidates availing height relaxation in accordance with Central Govt. regulations.

        (ab) Navik (GD) candidates.

        • Class 12thmarksheet.
        • Class12th certificate.
        • Formula for conversion of CGPA/Grade into percentage of Class 12th(if applicable).
        • Additional marksheet of Class 12th(if applicable).

        Yantrik candidates: –

        • Class 12th marksheet (if completed).
        • Class 12th certificate (if completed).
        • Marksheet of all years/ semesters of diploma.
        • Diploma Passing Certificate.
        • Formula for conversion of CGPA/ Grade into percentage of Class 12th(if applicable).
        • Formula for conversion of CGPA/Grade into percentage for diploma. (aag) Additional mark sheet of Class 12th(if applicable).

        List of Optional documents to be uploaded by candidatesclaiming any category benefit if shortlisted for Stage-II.

        • Sports Certificate as per proficiency/achievement with respect to selected game. (ab) Death Certificate of deceased Coast Guard personnel (if the candidate is ward of CG personnel) whose death is not attributable to service, if applicable.
        • Death Certificate of deceased Coast Guard personnel (if the candidate is ward of CG personnel) whose death is attributable to service, if applicable.
        • NCC Certificate (‘A’/ ‘B’/ ‘C’), if applicable.


        In case of SC/ST/OBC (Non Creamy)/EWS applicants, availing their respective quota then either current or permanent address of online application should be same as the address mentioned in caste/category certificate {SC, ST & OBC (Non-Creamy)}. EWS certificate shall be as per Govt. of India format (No other format will be entertained)(Format available on ICG website Further, OBC (Non creamy layer) certificate of candidates should be as per the format for appointment for post under the Govt. of India and should bear QR/bar code for subsequent online verification. The format of the OBC (Non Creamy) certificate is available on ICG website (No other format will be entertained). Any other format will lead to cancellation of candidature.

        The size of all the documents to be uploaded has to be between 10kb to 100kb.

        The date of issue of all uploaded documents {SC/ST/OBC (Non-Creamy layer)/EWS/Mark sheets/Education Certificates} ‘during online application’ and ‘document uploaded on being shortlisted for Stage-II’has to be 22 Sep 22(closing date of application) or any date prior to22 Sep 22 (closing date of application)and the validity of all the documents has to be at least up to 31 Aug 23during document verification.

        All Documents uploaded must be in Hindi or English. Candidate to upload both original and English translation of document if the document is in any language other than English or Hindi.

        Non-upload/ wrong upload/ interchanged upload of the document in online application will lead to cancellation of candidature.

        Non-upload/wrong upload/interchanged upload of the additional documents prior Stage-II will also lead to cancellation of candidature during document verification at Stage-II, Stage-III and Stage-IV.

        Applications with blurred photograph, signature, uploaded documents and uploaded thumb impression will be rejected during document verification. If proper photograph is not uploaded by the candidate as mentioned above at para 7(e)(i)(aa), his candidature will be cancelled. The clarity of images in uploaded documents are mandatory. Any discrepancy or anomaly in clarity of images of uploaded documents in the online application will lead to cancellation of candidature. The documents uploaded are to be legible, readable and complete or else, the candidature will be rejected. The complete document is to be scanned and uploaded e.g. if Date of Birth Certificate or Category Certificate or Identity proof(Aadhar Card OR PAN Card OR Voter ID card OR Driving License OR Passport)or Class 10th or Class 12thor Diploma semester marksheet has two or more pages then all the pages are to be merged in one file and uploaded in the online application. Incomplete or partially scanned document uploads will lead to cancellation of candidature.

        All documents to be uploaded while filling the online application has to be in .jpeg, .jpg and .png format only.

        Examination City. The candidate is to give five preferences for examination city in the application for Stage-I & II process. Candidates are to fill first choice within 30 Kms from the present/ communication residence. If no “examination city” is within 30 Km from the current address then the nearest “examination city” from current address has to be the first choice of the candidate.

        Note:- If candidates are not complying with the First Choice of Centre as above then their candidature may be cancelled if found contrary during Document Verification.

        Note: – Non-compliance of para 7 by the candidates will result in cancellation of candidature.


        Tentative schedule for examination and downloading E-admit card. The tentative dates for examination are as follows:-


        Tentative Dates For Examination/Downloading E-admit card





        Mid/End Nov 2022

        Mid/ End Jan 2023

        End Apr/Early May 2023




        Note:- ICG website will announce the date when E-admit cards are available for download for Stage-I, II & III. Candidates are directed to daily visit the website and login into login IDs to download the E-admit card for various stages. No email or SMS will be sent to candidates regarding “when the E-admit card will be available for download”. Examination city will be displayed in candidate’s login at least 10 days prior to Stage-I. The E-admit card with exact Examination Centre address will be available in Candidate login and email will be sent on registered Email ID only 02-03days prior to examination. Failure to download the E-admit card and non-reporting for various recruitment stages will lead to cancellation of candidature. ICG will not be responsible if the candidate fails to regularly check the important recruitment communication on a daily basis on website regarding downloading of E-admit card for Stage-I, II & III.

        Result Declaration. The result of each stage of selection procedure from Stage-I to Stage-III can be accessed by login to the candidates account on ICG website. The result of the online examination at Stage-I will be announced tentatively within 30 days. Candidates failing in document verification as per rules at Stage-II & Stage-III examination will NOT be considered as bonafide candidates’{as they have submitted false/incorrect information in the application not “duly supported by the uploaded documents” or “have uploaded incorrect documents” or “have uploaded interchanged documents”}then their marks scored at Stage-I will NOT be informed to them during “result display from candidates login” and “even under RTI Act 2005”. Candidates failing in document verification at Stage-II & Stage-III examination will be NOT be considered as bonafide candidates and they will be informed only “about the reason for failure in document verification” and NOT their marks scored at Stage I and cut-off for Stage-II & Stage-III. Candidates found absent or involved in malpractice in the Stage-I, II, III will not be informed of their marks scored and the cut-off of the respective post and category will not be displayed.

        List of Documents Required at Each Stage. Documents in Digilocker will not be accepted at any stage of the examination as electronic devices are not permitted in examination premises/centres. Candidates to bring their original documents at all stages of CGEPT examination. Candidates not able to produce original documents at different stages of examination will not be allowed to appear in the


          • Valid original Identity proof (Aadhar Card OR PAN Card OR Voter ID card OR Driving License OR Passport) as submitted/uploaded in the online application.
          • 01 Coloured printout of E-admit card (black & white print out not allowed).
          • 02 in no. passport size colour photograph with similar facial features as uploaded in the online
          • For SC/ST applicants only: – Original caste certificate and 02 photocopy of self-attested SC/ST certificate, original train/bus ticket, cancelled cheque leaf for NEFT payment and travel form downloaded from website for claiming TA.


          • Coloured printout of “Online application and E-admit card of Stage-II”.
          • Identity proof (Aadhar Card OR PAN Card OR Voter ID card OR Driving License OR Passport) as submitted/uploaded in the online application.
          • 03 photo copies of all original documents duly self-attested.
          • 20 in nos. passport size colour photograph as submitted in online application with similar facial
          • NOC in original and 4 self-attested photocopy from the employer for candidates presently serving in any government organization (if applicable)


          • Coloured printout of “Online application, Stage-III E-admit card”.
          • Original documents as submitted in the initial online application form and candidates login after being shortlisted for Stage II.
          • 03 photo copies of all original documents duly self-attested.
          • 30 in nos. passport size colour photograph as submitted in online application with similar facial features.
          • Colour photographs of specification 3.5 cms x 2.5 cms with blue background – (10 nos).
          • Parental willingness certificate – (one copy original & 02 Xerox copies).
          • Police verification certificate – (one copy original & 02 Xerox copies).
          • Family particular certificate – (one copy original & 02 Xerox copies).
          • Character certificate – (one copy original & 02 Xerox copies).
          • Willingness certificate – (one copy original & 02 Xerox copies).
          • Attestation form (with cadre name) – (03 copies original).
          • NOC in original and 4 self-attested photocopy from the employer for candidates presently serving in any government organisation (if applicable).
          • Identity proof (Aadhar Card OR PAN Card OR Voter ID card OR Driving License OR Passport)as submitted/uploaded in the online application.


          • Failure to submit above documents during Stage I, II& III will lead to cancellation of candidature. SC/ST/OBC (Non-creamy layer)/EWS certificate has to be provided always if
          • All photocopies are to be self-attested with signature by the candidate. The photocopies should also have the details of Name and the Roll number of the candidate.

          Medical Standards.

            • Medical examination will be conducted by authorized Medical Officers of the DefenceForceas per medical standard prescribed in current regulations applicable to Enrolled Personnel on entry.
            • Height. Minimum height 157 cms. Height standards may be reduced by up to 05 cms
              below 157 cms for candidates having domicile of Assam, Nagaland, Mizoram, Meghalaya, Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur, Tripura, Garhwal, Sikkim and Andaman and Nicobar Islands. Height standards may be reduced by upto 02 cms for candidates having domicile of Lakshadweep.
            • Chest. It should be well proportioned. Minimum expansion 5 cms.
            • Weight. Proportionate to height and age +10 percentage acceptable.
            • Hearing. Normal
            Promotion and Perquisites:

            (a) Promotion prospects exist upto the rank of Pradhan Adhikari/ Pradhan Sahayak Engineer
            with existing of pay scale Rs. 47600/- (Pay Level 8) plus Yantrik pay @ Rs. 6200/- (in case of Yantrik’s only) with Dearness Allowance. Promotion to the Officer cadre is subject to suitability and
            performance while in service as per regulations laid down on the subject.
            (b) Other Benefits:
            (i) Free ration and clothing as per the existing rules. Free medical treatment for self and family including dependent parents.
            (ii) Government accommodation for self & family on nominal license fee or HRA as approved by Government.
            (iii) 45 days Earned leave and 08 days Casual leave every year with Leave Travel Concession (LTC) for self, family and dependent parents as per Government rules.
            (iv) Contributory Pension Scheme (CPS) and Gratuity on retirement.
            (v) Canteen facilities (CSD) and other loan facilities.
            (iv) ECHS medical facilities after retirement.
            (c) Insurance Cover. Insurance cover (on contribution) of Rs. 50 lakhs for Enrolled Personnel
            is applicable.
            Note:- Pay, perks, promotion, insurance cover and other benefits are subject to change as per
            Government Orders.

            Indian Cost Guard Recruitment Notification 2022 Important Links: 

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