ICDS WD & CW Dept :560 Extension Officer Grade II RECRUITMENT 2022

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ICDS WD & CW Dept : 560 Extension Officer Grade II RECRUITMENT 2022 

Filling the posts of Extension Officer Grade II with the Eligible Anganwadi Workers and Supervisors working on contract basis by following due procedure – Communication of draft Guidelines

Memo.No. WDC02-19044/1/2021-Estt-7, Dt.02/09/2022.

Sub: WD & CW Dept., N.G.Estt Filling the posts of Extension Officer Grade II with the Eligible Anganwadi Workers and Supervisors working on contract basis by following due procedure – Communication of draft Guidelines – Reg.


  •  1. G.O.Ms.No. 14. WDCW & DW (Estt).. Dept.. dt. 10.05.2000 
  • 2.G.O.Ms.No.34. Dept., for W.C.DA & Sr.Cs, dt. 16.12.2021 
  • 3.G.O.Rt.No.25, Dept.. for W.C.DA & Sr.Cs.. dt. 19.02.2022 
  • 4.T.O.Memo.No. 19044/1/2021-Estt-5, even dt.30.08.2022 
  • 5.G.O.Rt.No. 120. Dept., for W.C.DA & Sr.Cs..dt.01.09.2022
  • 6.T.O.Memo.No.19044/1/2021-6. dt.01.09.2022

Attention of all the Regional Joint Directors, WD & CW Department is drawn to the references cited. In continuation of the memo addressed in the reference 6th cited, it is to inform that the detailed (1)Guidelines/Procedure for conducting examination for selection to the post of Extension Officer Grade II (Supervisor) from the AWWS and Supervisors working on contract basis, (ii) Draft Notification (In English). (iii) Schedule for conducting examination and (iv) Vacancy status region wise is at Annexure I and II are enclosed herewith.

The Regional Joint Directors, WD & CW Dept., are requested to issue

notification as per the schedule for appointment of Supervisors Grade-II in their respective Zones.

Schedule for conducting examination for selection to the posts of Extension Officer Grade-II during the year 2022-2023.

Filling the posts of Extension Officer Grade II with the Eligible Anganwadi Workers and Supervisors working on contract basis by following due procedure - Communication of draft Guidelines


Filling the posts of Extension Officer Grade II with the Eligible Anganwadi Workers and Supervisors working on contract basis by following due procedure - Communication of draft Guidelines


Filling the posts of Extension Officer Grade II with the Eligible Anganwadi Workers and Supervisors working on contract basis by following due procedure - Communication of draft Guidelines

 The procedure for recruitment of Extension Officers Grade – II (Supervisors) 2022-2023.

1.As per G.O.Ms.No.14. Women Development. Child Welfare & Disabled Welfare (Estt.) Dept.. Dt.10.05.2000 and G.O.Ms.No.34, Department for Women, Children, Differently Abled and Senior Citizens, dt.16.12.2021, the appointment to the posts of Extension Officer Grade-II (Supervisor) shall be made by the Selection on Zonal basis by a Committee consisting of the following members:

2. The entire selection process for recruitment of Extension Officer Grade – II (Supervisor) shall be done by the Collectors of Regional Head Quarters i.e.. Visakhapatnam, Eluru. Prakasam and Kurnool Districts with the assistance of District Administration, as per the Guidelines issued in G.O.Ms.No.14, WD CW & DW (Estt) Dept., Dt.10.05.2000, and amendments thereon.

3. Regional Joint Directors of respective Zones will be the Nodal Officer for the entire process of selection. They should create an Examination Cell in their office for the purpose of conducting examination and related matters.

4. The notification for inviting applications from eligible AWWs and Supervisors Grade – I and Grade-II working on contract basis, will be issued on 5th of September 2022. The Qualification for direct recruitment to the post of Extension Officer Grade-II (Supervisor) on regular basis will be in accordance to the Guidelines issued in G.O.Ms.No. 14 WDCW&DW (Estt) Dept., dated 10.05.2000. G.O.Ms.No.21 WD.CW&DW (Estt) Dept.. dt.13.07.2000 G.O.Ms.No.8. WD. CW&DW (ICDS) Dept., dt. 14.05.2007, G.O.Ms.No.12, WD. CW&DW (ICDS) Dept.. dt.18.06.2007. G.O.Ms.No. 12, Dept. for WCD&SC(Estt.AT), dt.06.06.2013 and G.O.Ms.No. 14. Dept. for WCD&SC (Estt.A1) dt.27.06.2013. G.O.Ms.No.15. Dept., for WCD&SC (Estt.A1). dt.02.07.2013. G.O.Ms.No. 13. Dept., for WCD & Sr.Cs (Estt.Al). dt.06.08.2020. G.O.Ms.No.34. Dept.. for W.C.DA & Sr.Cs.. dt. 16.12.2021. G.O.Rt.No.25, Dept., for W.C.DA & Sr.Cs., dt. 19.02.2022 and G.O.Rt.No. 120, Dept., for W.C.DA & Sr.Cs., dt.01.09.2022 to fill up (560) vacancies by conducting common written examination.

 5. Applications will be received from 05.09.2022 September to 12.09.2022 September-2022 during office hours by the District Women and Child Welfare and Empowerment Officers of respective Districts and after scrutiny for eligibility by the DW&CW&EO will be sent to the Regional Joint Directors by 13 September-2022. The information on no. of applications received and result of scrutiny will be sent to the Director, (WD&CW). The eligible AWWS and Supervisors Grade-1 and Grade II working on contract basis have to apply for the exam in the prescribed proforma available in the 0/0 District Women and Child Welfare and Empowerment Officers and CDPOS of ICDS Projects and it can be down loaded from web site i.e. http://wdcw.ap.nic.in.

6. Regional Joint Directors will complete final scrutiny and have the list of eligible applicants by 14.09.2022. The Hall Tickets will be issued by the concerned CDPOs from 15 September 2022 to 17 September 2022 during office hours to the eligible candidates.

7.The total marks for selection will be 50. Out of the total marks, 45 marks will be for written test and 5 marks will be given to Spoken English Proficiency (On video). Further as per G.O.Ms.No. 12. dt.06.06.2013 and G.O.Ms.No.34, Department for Women Children Differently Abled and Senior Citizen, dt.16.12.2021. 15% of total marks shall be awarded to the Supervisors Grade-I and Grade-II working at present on contract, as service weightage, subject to maximum marks not exceeding 50.

8. The pattern of the written test will be as follows:

  • a. The question paper shall consist of 90 objective questions of ½ mark for each question and the duration of the exam will be for 2 and ½ hours.
  • b. Each question will have four options and only one option will be correct.
  • c. There will be negative marking system and therefore for each wrong answer 4th mark will be deducted. Even if more than one option is selected it shall be treated as a wrong answer.

9. The Region wise common written examination shall be conducted by the Collectors of Regional Head Quarters District. The examination paper  (Objective type) will be provided by the Director (WD&CW), Guntur,

10. Examination will be conducted on 18th September-2022 at Zonal Head Quarters (i.e. Visakhapatnam, Eluru, Ongole and Kurnool) from 10.00 A.M to 12.30 P.M.

11. For conduct of Examination Collectors of Regional Head Quarters will select Examination Centers, Chief Superintendents, Hall Superintendents and Invigilators from District Administration, other than the staff of Women Development and Child Welfare Department, Women Children. Differently Abled and Juvenile Welfare Departments.

12. After conduct of Examination, Collectors of Regional Head Quarters District will receive sealed packets of answer sheets from all the Chief Superintendents of Examination Centers and shall make all arrangements for evaluation of the answer sheets.

13. In case of a tie in the total marks, age shall be the criteria for deciding the selection of a candidate. In case of further tie, date of entry into service of the Dept. of WD&CW shall be considered. Still in case of further tie,  higher Qualification shall be the criteria for selection.

14. Collectors of Regional Head Quarters District will declare the list of selected candidates for the entire zone after compilation of the results and after observing the SPF rule and the Rule of Reservation and after taking into account the number of vacancies. The number of vacancies to be filled up has already been notified zone-wise.

15. The Regional Joint Directors of Women Development & Child Welfare will obtain the List of selected candidates, and issue posting orders immediately. Further the selected candidates should be advised to report to duty within one week.


  • 1. The Chairman/Collector reserves the right to cancel the admission of the candidate at any step when it is detected that her admission to the Examination is against rules.
  • 2. Candidates should take their seats at least half an hour before the commencement of the Exam. The candidates will not be allowed after 10.00 AM and she will not be allowed to leave the Hall before completion of the Examination.. 
  • 3. Candidates are required to bring their Hall Tickets with them. And photo Identity Certificate like Adhar, Voter ID should be presented for inspection whenever demanded. 
  • 4. Bing writing pad, Blue/Block Ball point pen. Do not bring any books or papers. 
  • 5. Anyone found copying, talking to others during the examination will be sent out & their candidature will be cancelled.
  • 6. Be attend in the exam Hall by 9.30 a.m


Filling the posts of Extension Officer Grade II with the Eligible Anganwadi Workers and Supervisors working on contract basis by following due procedure - Communication of draft Guidelines

 Note:1/4 negative mark to each wrong answer. 

Syllabus for proposed selection to the posts of Supervisors Grade – II 

  • 1. Spoken English Books and Video
  • 2. Poshan Abhyan ILA modules 1 to 21 on Nutrition
  • 3. YSR Sampoorna Poshan Pocket Book 
  • 4. SOP Book and APP and PP1 and PP2 Syllabus Books of Anganwadi Workers
  • 5. Basic Mathematics (Additions and Subtractions). 

 Important note:

1. The following certificates must be kept ready by the candidates for the purpose of verification at the time of collection of application.

  • Proof of Educational Qualification ie., SSC, INTERMEDIATE, DEGREE, POST GRADUATION etc.
  • Community/Caste Certificate/EWS CERTIFICATE.
  • Service certificate issued by the concerned CDPO TV Medical certificate issued by the SADAREM in case of differently abled candidates. 

Procedure of Selection:

1. The selection of candidates for appointment to the posts will be made by OMR based (objective type) examination and Spoken English Proficiency. The final selection for these posts will be based on marks secured in the examination

2. In case of a tie in the total marks, age shall be the criteria for deciding the selection of a candidate. If the de persists, date of entry into service of the WD&CW Dept., shall be considered and if the tie further continues, higher Qualification shall be the criteria for selection. 

3. Mere securing of minimum qualifying marks does not vest any right in a candidate for being considered for selection

4. Provisionally Shortlisted candidates have to produce original documents and other particulars on the day of verification. If candidate fails to produce any of the required cerulicates and if the particulars furnished by her in the Application do not tally with the original documents produced by her, then her candidature will be rejected/disqualified without any further correspondence.


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