Combined Provisional list of Various posts under the control of DMHO, DCHS, Medical Superintendent (GGH), Principal (Medical College) in the Srikakulam

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Combined Provisional list of Various posts under the control of DMHO, DCHS, Medical Superintendent (GGH), Principal (Medical College) in the Srikakulam District , Dt: 30/08/2022

Combined Provisional list of Various posts under the control of DMHO, DCHS, Medical Superintendent (GGH), Principal (Medical College) in the Srikakulam District. The applied candidates are requested to submit their grievances if any, at O/o. DM&HO, Srikakulam from 30.08.2022 to 06.09.2022.

Note: As 31.08.2022 is holiday due to Vinayakachaviti and 04.09.2022 is holiday due to Sunday, during these days grievances are not accepted.
Combined Provisional list of Various posts under the control of DMHO, DCHS, Medical Superintendent (GGH), Principal (Medical College) in the Srikakulam: important dates
Start date: 30/08/2022
End date :06/09/2022
Combined Provisional list of Various posts under the control of DMHO, DCHS, Medical Superintendent (GGH), Principal (Medical College) in the Srikakulam: provisional lists

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