APREI: Provisional seniority list of Post Graduate Teachers and Trained Graduate Teachers workingin APR SCHOOLS
APREI: Provisional seniority list of Post Graduate Teachers and Trained Graduate Teachers workingin APR Schools
Rc.No.ESE53/Establishment2(1)/2022 Date:-09/09/2022
Sub:- APREI-Estsablishment2|(1)-Communication of Provisional seniority list
of Post Graduate Teachers and Trained Graduate Teachers working
in APR Schools- Orders Issued.
The provisional seniority list of Regular Teaching Staff employees working in APREI
Society is herewith communicated to all the Principals of APRE Institutions duly inviting
grievances if any.
All the Principals are instructed to communicate the Seniority list to the Teaching staff working in their institutions with due acknowledgement duly inviting the grievances from them. Further, the Principals are informed to verify the seniority list with the records available and any discrepancy noticed should be brought to the notice of the undersigned.
The Principals are instructed to submit the grievances of Regular Teaching Staff
employees if any, to the Secretary, APREIS through mail office.apreis@apschooledu.in on
or before 20-09-2022 without fail with relevant documents. It is also informed that, the
Seniority of the retired persons in the list will be considered subject to the receipt of the
Government orders on Superannuation of age of the employees of the APREI Society which
is pending with the Government.
Further, they are informed that, if any grievance received by this office after 20-09-
2022 will not be considered and necessary disciplinary action will be initiated against such personnel as it shows their modified intention to disturb the procedure.
Receipt of these Proceedings should be acknowledged.
Encl: Provisional Seniority list of Regular Teaching Staff employees
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