APESS – Promotion to the posts of School Assistants from SGT – Preparation of Seniority lists -Certain clarifcation

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APESS – Promotion to the posts of School Assistants from SGT – Preparation of Seniority lists –
Certain clarifcation
Rc.No.ESE02-14028/1/2022-E-VI Dated.30/09/2022
Sub:- School Education – APESS – Promotion to the posts of School Assistants from SGT – Preparation of Seniority lists –
Certain clarifcation – Issued.
Ref:- 1. This ofce Procs.Rc.No.ESE02-14028/1/2022-E-VI,
2. This ofce Procs.Rc.No.ESE02-14028/1/2022-E-VI, Dated.11-
3. Webex meeting on promotions conducted by the Joint
Director, O/o CSE on 28-09-2022.
4. Lr.Rc.No.11046/A3/2010, Dated.28-09-2022 of the District
Educational Ofcer, Srikakulam.
It is informed that consequent on conduct of Webex meeting on 28-
09-2022 in continuation of guidelines issued in respect of issuance of
promotions to the posts of School Assistants from SGTs and to the posts of
Headmaster Gr-II from the post of School Assistants, the District
Educational Ofcer, Srikakulam has sort a clarifcation in respect of
assigning seniority and to adopt correct relevant rule in preparation of
Seniority list of SGT for promotion to the posts of School Assistants.
On verifcation of the proposal, the District Education Ofcer,
Srikakulam is hereby informed that the Government vide G.O.Ms.No.90,
Dated.03-11-2007 have issued Guidelines in which it is clearly stated that
Merit cum Roster shall be followed at the time of selection and the
Seniority of a member of service to be fxed is as per the terms of Rule 33
of the A.P.State and Subordinate Service Rules.
Therefore, the District Education Ofcer, Srikakulam is hereby
requested to take necessary action accordingly.

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