AP State Level FLN Training to State Resource Group on Fundamental Numeracy and Fundamental Literacy by NCERT Team Scheduled from 14.09.2022 to 16.09.2022 – certain teachers deputed as State Resource Group – Orders issued

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AP State Level FLN Training to State Resource Group on Fundamental Numeracy and Fundamental Literacy by NCERT Team Scheduled from 14.09.2022 to 16.09.2022 – certain teachers deputed as State Resource Group – Orders issued

School Education – SCERT – State Level Training to State Resource Group on Fundamental Numeracy and Fundamental Literacy by NCERT Team Scheduled from 14.09.2022 to 16.09.2022 – certain teachers deputed as State Resource Group – Orders issued – Reg 

Procs Rc.No. ESE02/540/2022-SCERT  dt: 09/09/2022


Ref: Confirmation Mail received from Prof. Anup Kumar Raj put, DEE, Head Publication Division, NCERT, New Delhi.


All the District Educational Officers in the state are here by informed that As per the reference above cited The DEE, Head Publication Division, NCERT communicated that NCERT is pleased to conduct training residential mode for State Resource Group of 50 for Fundamental Literacy and 50 for Fundamental Numeracy each at Vijayawada, from 14.09.2022 to 16.09.2022 at Hotel Alankar in Vijayawada .

Fundamental Literacy:

Fundamental literacy refers to the skills and strategies involved in reading, speaking, writing and interpreting his thoughts.

Fundamental Numeracy:

It is the ability to reason and to apply simple numerical concepts. Basic numeracy skills consist of comprehending fundamental arithmetical operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.

Current Scenario:

Various governmental as well as non – governmental surveys, indicate that we are currently in a learning crisis.

A large proportion of students currently in elementary school – estimated to be over 5 crore in number have not attained foundational literacy and numeracy i.e. the ability to read and comprehend basic text and the ability to carry out basic addition and subtraction with Indian numerals.

Why it is essential? 

  1. Literacy is critical to economic development as well as individual and community well-being.
  2. Effective literacy skills open the doors to more educational and employment opportunities so that people are able to pull themselves out of poverty and chronic underemployment.
  3. In our increasingly complex and rapidly changing technological world, it is essential that individuals continuously expand their knowledge and learn new skills in order to keep up with the pace of change.
  4. The empowering potential of literacy can translate into increased political participation and contribute to the quality of public policies and Literate society is informed and engaged.
  5. Persons with adequate literacy skills maintain better health through their ability to understand and interpret health information.
  6. Literate community is a dynamic community; a community that exchanges ideas, engages in dialogue, is more innovative and productive.
  7. The sharing of ideas, perspectives and concerns also leads to greater levels of mutual understanding and caring, and ultimately strong community spirit.

Further it is submitted that NEP 2020 stated that the universal Access to ECCE and Priority may be given to primary education.

In this context 3teachers from each district are depute as State Resource group to attend above said training. The list of teachers deputed annexed herewith.

 All The District Educational officers are requested to instruct all the participants to report before the under signed on 14.09.2022 at 9am at the venue with out fail.

Download Proceedings & List of teachers

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