Rc.No.ESE53-ACAD0MISC/31/2022-B4, Dated:23/08/2022
Sub: APREIS – Academic-I (3) – Implementation of Shakti Project in APRE Institutions – Communication of Schedule to the respective Principals – Orders – Issued.
Ref: Schedule received from Shakti.
It is decided to implement the Shakti Project in 30 APRE Girls institutions during the academic year 2022-23. The Schedule as proposed vide reference cited is hereby communicated to the following Principals of APRE Institutions to implement the same in their Institutions:
Hence, the above Principals of APRE Institutions are hereby directed to implement the Shakti Project as per the Schedule mentioned in the Annexure and to co-operate with the respective Project members for smooth and proper implementation in respective institutions.
Receipt of the Proceedings should be acknowledged.
Encl: Annexure.