National Sports Day 2022: Conduct of celebrations -Instructions
D.O.Lr.No. PrlSecy(Sports&YS)/2022/01, Dt:24.08.2022
Sub: Conduct of National Sports Day 2022 celebrations -Instructions to all the DEOs in the state for successful conduct – Reg.
Ref: 1.D.O.No.20-3/SAI/FIT INDIA/ 2022, DT:18.08.2022 of
Secretary, Gol, MYAS.
2. D.O.No.20-3/SAI/FIT INDIA/ 2022, DT:22_08_2022 of Senior Director, Khelo India, SAI.
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Your attention is drawn to the references cited.
It is informed that the Secretary, GoI, MYAS vide ref 1st cited while enclosing the S.O.P for celebrating the National Sports Day requested all the Chief Secretaries of State and UTs to have the celebrations of National Sports Day, 2022 by encouraging mass participation through various departments/ organizations in their State/ UT.
Vide ref 2nd cited, the Senior Director, Khelo India, SAI has requested to conduct a day – long sports events (indigenous games) like Pithu, Gilli Danda, Hopscotch, Treasure Hunt, Sack Race, Lemon Race to contemporary sports like football, basketball, athletics etc., that are completely customizable as deemed fit as per participants.
The following activities are proposed to conduct for National Sports Day Celebrations 2022.
26.08.2022- Conduct of Sports 86 Games and indigenous
27.08.2022- And
29.08.2022- National Sports Day Celebrations_
The organizing Government/ Private schools have to register their event on Fit India Portal ( or Fit India Mobile App and SAAP website ( and upload & send details of participation, pictures Videos of the event to
In view of the above, the Collectors in the State are requested to give necessary instructions to the District Educational Officers, RIOs, Vice Chancellors of Universities, Principals of Degree Colleges and Technical Colleges in the District to take necessary action for successful celebration of National Sports Day in a befitting manner on 29.08.2022 duly inviting local public representatives, sports philanthropists and sports promotors etc.,
Ertel: References.