Guntur:Internal Audit of Sub District Units (SMCs / CRCs / MRCs KGBVs /Secondary School Girls Hostels / Govt . Junior. Colleges) for the year 2021-22
RC.No.1.197/55/2022 Dt?-4138-2022
Sub:- Samagra Shiksha,Guntur – Chartered Accountants appointed for Samagra Shiksha for the year 2021-22 in Guntur District from 25.08.2022 to 03.09.2022 – Venues with the Audit Team programme schedule – Issued .
Ref:- Re. No. SS – 1716333 /F4/ 2022-5 – Fin Sec – SSA, Dt.10.08.2022 of the State Project Director, Samagra Shiksha Amaravathi Vijayawada
The attention of the Deputy Educational Officers and Mandal Educational Officers in District are invited to the reference cited, wherein, the State Project Director, Samagra Shiksha, Arnaravathi has appointed of Chartered Accountant Firm for conducting the Internal Audit of Sub District Units (SMCs / CRCs / MRCs KGBVs /Secondary School Girls Hostels / Govt . Junior. Colleges) of Samagra Shiksha and they are requested to make necessary arrangements for smooth conduct of audit by M/s R.V.S.R. 86 Co, chartered Accountant firm, Vijayawada appointed for Samagra Shiksha for the year 2021-22 in Guntur District from 25.08.2021 to 03.09.2021 as per appended to these proceedings . They are requested to instruct all the Head Masters / Principals / Special Officers (SMCs / CRCs / MRCS / KGBVS / Secondary School Girls Hostels / Govt. Junior Colleges) to be ready with all details of the CFMS Green PD Account and SMC 86 SMDC Accounts for audit as shown below.
Documents Required for :
In this connection, all the Mandid Educational Officers in the district are instructed to inform all the Mandal Level Accountants, MIS Co – ordinators, Cluster Resource Persons and Data Entry Operators to act as liaison officers to support the Audit team to reach the each school, as per the schedule released by the audit firms.
In this connection, the following MRC Staff are hereby appointed as District level liaison officers for the monitoring of Audit Venues in the district and to coordinate the audit teams.
Hence, the Deputy Educational Officers and Mandal Educational Officer in the District are requested to instruct all the Head Masters / Principals / Special Officers (SIvICs / CRCs / MRCs KGBVS / Secondary School Girls Hostels / Govt. Junior Colleges) in their Jurisdiction to attend before the audit teams with all the relevant documents at the above mentioned venues without fail.
The defaulters will be viewed seriously.
Treat this as MOST URGENT