AP TARL:Conducting of Mandal Level Trainers training Programme from 24.08.2022 to 28.08.2022

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AP TARL:Conducting of  Mandal Level Trainers training Programme from 24.08.2022 to 28.08.2022,TEACHING AT RIGHT LEVEL TARL TRAINING 2022 GUIDELINES

Rc.No. SS-15021/12/2022-SAMO-SSA-Part(2) Dt.22/08/2022



School Education-SCERT, AP – Conducting of TaRL Mandal Level Trainers training Programme from 24.08.2022 to 28.08.2022—orders issued-Reg.


  1. Action plan for Teaching at the Right Level (TaRL) programme 2022-2023.

  2. Proc.Rc.ESE02/484/2022-SCERT Dated:24/06/2022

All the Regional Joint Directors of School Education and all the District Educational Officers in the State are aware that a classroom practise of teaching learning called Teaching at the Right Level (TaRL) has been developed by the Pratham Education Foundation. The objective of TaRL is to improve the language and math learning outcomes for children in 3 to 5 classes.

Teaching at the Right Level (TaRL) ensures basic foundational skills for all, with clearly articulated goals for basic reading and math. Teaching starts at the level of the child rather than at the level of the grade, with simple and engaging daily learning activities that can be adapted as children progress. Students engage in activities in large groups, small groups, and individuals.

In this connection, the TaRL Master Trainers Training Programme

was conducted at state level from 27-06-2022 to 01.07.2022 at ZPHS(G), Patamatalanka, Vijayawada.

Now a 5 – day Mandal level resource persons training programme is scheduled from 24.08.2022 to 29.08.2022 at district levels.

Therefore, all the district educational officers in the state are requested to identify the two teachers and two cluster resource persons from each mandal, who are qualified and Dedicated in the respective jurisdictions and conduct the district level training programme in the most beneficial manner. ( Guidelines for identification of resource persons is communicated seperately)

The State Project Director, Samagra Shiksha, AP is requested to meet the said expenditure from the available funds and release the funds to the District Educational Officers for the expenditure on printing, supplies and logistic arrangements.

The identified resource persons to undergo this training will be submitted to the Director of SCERT AP.

The approved budget estimates are here annexed.



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