AP Restructuring of Districts in the State Formation / creation of new districts – Revision / amend the Presidential Order – Formation of Committee – Orders

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AP Restructuring of Districts in the State Formation / creation of new districts –  Revision / amend the Presidential Order – Formation of Committee – Orders

Restructuring of Districts in the State Formation / creation of new districts –  Revision / amend the Presidential Order – Formation of Committee – Orders


G.O.Rt.No.1564    Dated:02-08-2022

GA (SPF&MC) Department – Restructuring of Districts in the State Formation / creation of new districts –  Revision / amend the Presidential Order – Formation of Committee – Orders-Issued.

Read the following:

1.Presidential Order, 1975 Issued in G.O.Ms.No.674 G.A.(SPF) Dept. dated: 20.10.1975.
2. G.O.Rt.Nos.35 to 60, Revenue Lands(IV)Department, dated 26.01.2022 (Total 26 GOs)
3. Letter.No.172/R&R/2022, Dated 18/4/2022 from the Secretary, APPSC, A.P. Vijayawada.


In the reference 1 read above, Andhra Pradesh Public Employment (Organization of Local cadres And Regulation of Direct Recruitment) Order, 1975, commonly known as Presidential Order has been brought out through the Constitution (Thirty Second Amendment) Act, 1973 duly obtaining the assent of the President of India. This order was aimed at making special provisions with respect to the State of Andhra Pradesh to suit the then requirements of the State with regard to providing equal opportunities in different parts of the State in the matter of Public Employment. Any modifications to the said order has to be done by the Government of India by way of amendment with the consent of His Excellency the President of India.

In the reference 2nd read above, the State Government have issued orders restructuring the existing 13 districts into 26 Districts vide G.O.Rt.No.35 to G.O.Rt.No.60, Revenue Lands(IV)Department, dated 26.01.2022.

In the reference 3d read above, the Secretary, APPSC, Vijayawada has stated that the Commission in its meeting held on 17.03.2022 has decided the need to review of the Presidential Order 1975 in view of post bifurcation of State and on restructuring of the Districts in the State. He has requested to review the existing system of Presidential Order for future notifications.

In the light of bifurcation of the State of Andhra Pradesh, restructuring the Districts in the State and also keeping in view of many changes took place for the past 52 years in the field of socio-economic, educational, administrative, increasing of employment opportunities in private and public sectors due to expansion of the economy and the development of the State, Government felt it is necessary to make appropriate amendments to the Presidential Order, 1975 or issue a new Presidential Order to suit to the present requirements for State of Andhra Pradesh and to benefit the people of the State. 5. Government after careful examination of the matter hereby constitute a Committee of officials headed by the Chief Secretary to Government as Chairman with the following

Members for submitting report to the Government on the Presidential Order, 1975:

Terms of reference to the Committee: The terms of reference are indicated as follows, subject to any modifications appropriately by Government: 

AP New Districts Restructuring Presidential Order Revision / Amendment

i) To study the existing Presidential Order, 1975 Le. Andhra Pradesh Public Employment (Organization of Local cadres And Regulation of Direct Recruitment) Order, 1975;

(ii) To study the existing Presidential Order Systems in other States.

(iii) to examine the representations received from any employees’ service associations and other Associations, experts or public etc.; 

(iv) to submit report with appropriate recommendations to make amendments to the existing Presidential Order, 1975 or propose a fresh Presidential Order applicable to the State of Andhra Pradesh together with a draft proposal to be submitted to the Government of India; 

(v) to submit action plan till final allotment of persons in various cadres in the State;

(vi) to examine and make appropriate recommendations on any other matter connected therewith;

(vii) The Committee may opt any expert(s) on the subject as special invitee(s) for utilising the services in deliberations of the Committee and submitting the report to the Government;

The Committee shall submit the report to Government within two months.

The Secretary to the Government (Ser & HRM), General Administration Department shall take necessary action in the matter accordingly. 

Download G.O.Rt.No.1564   Dated:02-08-2022

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