Availability of play ground facility in each school:Sub: School Education-Request of Sri Arhaan Mukherjee Saha -(Student), New Delhi to ensure availability of play ground facility in each school of India -Reg

Rc.No.36/206/2023-GS&GR-2 Dated:07/09/2024
Sub: School Education-Request of Sri Arhaan Mukherjee Saha -(Student), New Delhi to ensure availability of play ground facility
in each school of India -Reg
Read: Govt.Memo.No0.2201277/Prog.IV/2023,Dated:15.09.2023.
The attention of all the Regional Joint Directors and District
Educational Officers in the state is invited to the reference read above
where in Government have informed that the request of Sri Arhaan
Mukherjee Saha regarding playground facilities to the school-going
children so that they get the benefit of
hba(ing a good environment for their educational mental and physical well -being.
Further,it is also informed that as per the data available in U-DISE plus 2022-23 details of the schools having playground facilities in the state are as
Total Schools in the state -58950
Schools having playground ~ -54891
Schools not having play ground -4059
Therefore,the Regional Joint Directors and District Educational Officers
in the state are requested to ensure that all the schools will have
playground,for holistic development of the children and to furnish a
detailed report in the
This has got the approval of the Director,School Education.