APOSS SSC & Inter Mandal Level Enrollment Drive 2024-25:APOSS-SSC and Intermediate Courses-Admissions for the academic
year 2024-25-Enrollment Drive at Mandal level -Certain instructions issued- Regarding.

Sub:APOSS-SSC and Intermediate Courses-Admissions for the academic
year 2024-25-Enrollment Drive at Mandal level -Certain instructions issued- Regarding.
Ref: 1)Govt.Memo.No.2493873/Prog.V/2024,dt:29.07.2024. 2)Prospectus of SSC and Imtermediate Goyrses pf APOSS. Ocs|RCNo.18ADyIN SEC APqSS,G:3D072024|
The attention of the District Educational Officers the State are invited to the
reference 1st to 3 cited,wherein the admission schedule for admissions into S.S.C &
Intermediate courses of APOSS for the year 2024-25 was communicated. Further,it is informed that,conduct ofenrollment drive and Orientation Programme
with the A.I Coordinators/He a d Masters/Principals of Insttutions and field
functionaries at Mandal Level to get them acquainted with the Admission process of
S.S.C &Intermediate courses for the year 2024-25 is also going on by covering all
habitations in the State through Mandal Education Officers. In this connection,the Higher authorities are instructed that the enrollment drives
shall be in a systematic manner and data shall be updated with specific reports for
onward submission to the Government. In view of the above,All the District Educational Officers in the State are informed that
total 1,52,923 students are the target group for Open Schools in addition to lists available
in the Mandal level,who were dropouts and SSC failures already communicated through
mails.In that List 37,966 School Dropouts and Migrated to other states children and List
of 114957 failures in SSC Regular Examinations.During drives in the coming few
days, student wise drive shall be taken up and update the Mandal list by utilising the
Mandal Resources and Head Masters of schools in the Mandals.The updated list with
present status of the children shall be submitted in the proforma by 30-8-2024 to enable
this office
to submit consolidated report to the Higher authorities