A.P. Model Schools – Work Load – as per staff pattern – Certain Instructions –
School Education – A.P. Model Schools – Work Load – as per staff pattern – Certain Instructions – Issued – Reg Rc.No.ESE02/607/2024-APMS-CSE, Dated: 17/08/2024

1. Procgs. RC. No ESE02-36/253/2021-APMS CSE Date:13/08/2023 of the Commissioner of School Education, A.P.
2. RC. ESE02-36/253/2021-APMS-CSE Dated:24/11/2021 of the Director of School Education, A.P.
3. Representation dt.25.06.2024 from certain TGT (Telugu) Teachers
4. Representation dt.21.05.2024 from certain Teachers of PGT Civics and Economics, AP Model School, Chittoor and Tiruparti Districts.
5. Representation dt.04.07.2024 from Smt. A. Suvarna, Parent of AP Model School, Dharmavaram, Dhone, Nandyal Dist.
The attention of all the Principals of 164 A.P. Model Schools in the State are hereby informed that they are empowered to utilize the services of all the teaching staff with a minimum of 36 teaching periods per week to improve the standards of the students and to achieve better results of AP Model Schools.
Further, they are informed that the promotions have been taken up from TGTs to PGTs and PGTs to Principals in the month of October 2023. There arouse certain resultant vacancies of PGTs and TGTs and the students are struggling due to loss of academic instruction in some AP Model Schools.
In this context, all the Principals of A.P. Model Schools in the State are informed that certain representations are received requesting for revised, equal work load for Telugu and Social Studies teachers working in AP Model Schools.
In this regard, after careful examination of the issue and in partial modification of the orders issued in the reference 1st read above, the following orders are issued.
- School should be treated as one unit from 6th class to 12th Class.
- Each teacher should teach a minimum of 36 Periods per week.
- Teachers having less workload i.e., (<36) should take the concerned subject classes wherever their services are needed.
- In case of one PGT (Tel) and two TGTs (Tel) are available in the school each TGT should take the Classes from 6th to 9th of each section and PGT should take Classes for 10th to 12th standard. In case, the workload of PGT & TGTs is 24 Periods and their services can be utilized to the curricular & co-curricular activities apart from the allocated regular periods to balance the equal workload of all teachers.
- Whereas one TGT (Tel) and one PGT (Tel) are available the TGT should take Classes from 6th to 8th and PGT should take Classes from 9th to 12th until another TGT post is filled up.
- PGT- Economics, PGT- Civics and PGT- Commerce services shall be utilized to handle Social Studies subject for 9 & 10 classes in addition to Intermediate classes.
- As per the second Methodology in B.Ed., the services of any teacher should be utilized for any particular subject depending upon the need of the institutions.
- Principal is competent to utilize the human resources available in the institution as per their educational qualifications to fulfill the academic shortfall of any subject and the teachers should follow the instructions without any deviation.
The above orders shall come into force with immediate effect.