APMS Head of Account – 7-tier HoA and budget release order APMS – Merging of regular teaching staf of Model
Schools in Commissionerate of School Education and payment of
salaries through “010-Salaries” Head of Account – 7-tier HoA “2202-02-109-00-06-010-011” and budget release order– Communicated –

School Education – APMS – Merging of regular teaching staf of Model
Schools in Commissionerate of School Education and payment of
salaries through “010-Salaries” Head of Account – 7-tier HoA “2202-02-109-00-06-010-011” and budget release order– Communicated –
- Lr.No.FIN02-18069/54/2022-H SEC-DTA Dt.07/05/2024 of the
Director of Treasuries and Accounts, AP.
Dt:27/03/2024 of this ofce. - Lr.Rc.No.11021/129/2018-APMS-CSE, Dt.17/05/2024 of this ofce.
- G.O.Rt.No.1976, Finance (FMU-School Education) Department,
dtd:07.06.2024. - G.O.Rt.No.290, School Education (PROG.III) Dept., Dt:08/07/2024
In response to the letter 2nd cited, I wish to inform you that the
Government in the reference 1st cited have accorded permission to claim
the salary in respect of the staf of 163 schools from “010-Salaries” Head
of account, duly ratifying the action in having made payment/claimed
salary from 2202-02-109-00-06-010-011 Head of Account, in respect of the
3260 Regular Teaching staf AP Model Schools in the State.
Further, I wish to submit that the Government vide reference 5th &
6th cited have issued Budget Release Order and accorded administrative
sanction for an amount of Rs.11,000/- (Rupees Eleven Thousand only) as
additional funds in relaxation of treasury control and quarterly regulation
orders pending provision of funds by including in the fnal.
I, therefore request you to issue necessary instructions to all State
and District Treasury Ofcers in the State to allow the salary bills as per
Government Orders immediately without fail.
A copy of G.O.Rt.No.290, School Education (PROG.III) Dept., Dt: 09/07/2024 is herewith enclosed.
Encl: As above.