PM SHRI 2023-24 – Strengthening of Existing
Schools under Non Recurring Budget – Release of 2nd instalment to the
PFMSIAs accounts,Procgs.Rc.No.SS-13026/61/2023-CIVIL SEC- SSA, dt.16-10-2023.
Sub: AP Samagra Shiksha – PM SHRI 2023-24 – Strengthening of Existing
Schools under Non Recurring Budget – Release of 2nd instalment to the
PFMSIAs accounts – sanction accorded – Reg.
Ref: 1. T/o Procgs.Rc.No.SS-13026/61/2023-CIVIL SEC- SSA, dt.16-10-2023.
- Proc.Rc.No.SS-13026/61/2023-CIVIL SEC SSA, Dt:27.12.2023 of the State
Project Director, Samagra Shiksha, Andhra Pradesh.
In the reference 1st cited, administrative sanction was accorded for
Strengthening of existing schools under PM SHRI 2023-24 for Rs.6522.34 lakhs
for 1813 physical units of Chemistry Lab, Lab equipment for Physics, Chemistry,
Biology & Science in 597 schools.
Vide reference 2nd cited, an amount of Rs. 536.00 lakhs was released as
first instalment to 268 chemistry lab rooms with 2.00 lakhs per each chemistry
lab as against the estimated cost of Rs.15.58 lakhs per room.
As per requirement of District project ofces, it is decided to release an
amount of Rs. 3.00 lakhs per each school as 2nd instalment to speed up the works.
Under the powers vested with the State Project Director, Samagra
Shiksha, sanction is here by accorded to release an amount of Rs.702.00
Lakhs (Rupees Seven Crores Two Lakhs only) as against budget allocation
available towards 2nd instalment amount for the civil works sanctioned in PM
SHRI 2023-24.
The district wise sanction and allocation of funds is given as follows:

Accordingly, the Finance Controller of ofce of the State Project Director,
Samagra Siksha is requested to release an amount of Rs.702.00 Lakhs (Rupees
Seven Crores Two Lakhs only) to the respective PFMSIAs accounts of 26
districts for Civil Works as mentioned in the above Table towards civil works
Budget of PM SHRI 2023-24 first phase.
The District Educational Ofcers/ Additional Project Coordinators/
Executive Engineers/ FAOs are instructed to utilize the amounts exclusively for
new works sanctioned in PM SHRI 2023-24 without any deviation of funds so as
to speed up the works for early completion and utilization of funds for any other
purpose shall be viewed seriously. A list of schools/ interventions for which
amount released to their districts is furnished in the Annexure.
They are also requested to furnish the school wise utilisation of first
instalment amount released by head ofce with details of unspent, retrieved/
unadjusted amounts of schools.
The Executive Engineers of APSS are instructed to incur the expenditure
for respective works and submit the utilization certificates to release 3rd
instalment. Further the Original bills shall be kept with Finance Wing of DPO
for submission to the Internal Audit, Statutory Audit and AG Team etc during
the Audit.