AP KGBV TEACHERS Induction Training FOR newly recruited CRTs, PGTs, PETs: APSS – KGBV – Induction Training to the newly recruited CRTs, PGTs, PETs in KGBVs from 06.11.2023 to 11.11.2023 (1st Spell) & 16.11.2023 to 21.11.2023 (2nd Spell) in the identified 4 Regional Centers – Deputation of Newly Recruited staff and Resource Persons – Instructions – Issued Rc. No. SS-21021/123/2023-IED & KGBV-SSA Dated: 02/11/2023

Read: Procs. Rc. No SS-21021/123/2023-IED & KGBV-SSA Dated: 24.10.2023 of this office.
The attention of all District Educational Officer & Ex-Officio Project Coordinators and the Additional Project Coordinator, Samagra Shiksha in the State is invited to subject cited above and they are informed that it is decided to conduct 6 days Induction Training for the newly recruited KGBV staff i.e CRTs, PGTs and PETs in residential mode at identified 4 Regional venues.
The details of the venues for Induction Training are as follows.
Therefore all the District Educational Officer & Ex-Officio Project Coordinators and the Additional Project Coordinator, Samagra Shiksha in the State are requested to relieve the newly recruited CRTs, PGTs and PETs of KGBVs and Resource Persons as per the annexure appended as per the schedule and venues with instructions to report the Coordinators at respective identified venues by 9.00 a.m. on the day starting of the programme without fail. The exemptions to the participants and Resource Persons should not be considered on any reasons.
The District Educational Officer & Ex-Officio Project Coordinators and the Additional Project Coordinator, Samagra Shiksha, 1) Visakhapatnam,2)NTR, 3) Anathapuramu and 4) Tirupathi districts are requested to make necessary arrangements i.e venue, boarding & lodging, Stationery etc., for smooth conduct of Induction Training in coordination with G. Maheswar Reddy(8074175258), Training Coordinator, O/o SPD, SS, AP, Vijayawada.
The District Educational Officer & Ex-Officio Project Coordinators and the Additional Project Coordinator, Samagra Shiksha further requested to appoint the GCDOs/AGCDOs and AMOs to coordinate with the Resource Persons, and participants also liaison with the State Level Observers for smooth conduct of Induction Trainings as per the schedule.
Venue | Name of the State Observer | Venue In charge |
Visakhapatnam | P. Venkata Ramana, Senior Programmer, Pedagogy GCDO, 9908696785 | Smt. Khalisha Begum, Visakhapatnam |
Vijayawada | Smt. D. Madhavi, Text Book Development Officer 9032014777 | Smt. D. Shanthi, GCDO, NTR |
Tirupathi | Smt. Sarada Kumari, Associate Fellow 8985843037 | Smt. T. Pushpa, GCDO, Tirupathi |
Anathapuramu | Dr. Md. Ismail, Lecturer, Diksha. 9849779717 | Smt. V. Maheswari, GCDO, Anathapuramu |
This should be treated as most urgent and important.
Encl: Annexures
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