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The Andhra Pradesh State Council of Higher Education has announced the Faculty Recruitment in AP State Universities – 2023. The recruitment is for the posts in various state universities in Andhra Pradesh. The application process is online and consists of two steps: registration and login . The last date to apply is yet to be announced. For more information, please visit the official website of the recruitment portal .

University Notifications
Andhra University (AU)

Sri Venkateswara University (SVU)

Acharya Nagarjuna University (ANU)

Sri Krishnadevaraya University (SKU)

Adi Kavi Nannaya University (AKNU)

Yogi Vemana University (YVU)

Dr.B.R Ambedkar University (DrBRAU)

Vikrama Simhapuri University (VSU)

Krishna University (KRU)

Rayalaseema University (RU)

Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Kakinada (JNTUK)

Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Anantapur (JNTUA)

Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Gurajada (JNTUGV)

Sri Padmavathi Mahila Visvavidyalam (SPMVV)

Draividian University (DU)

Dr.Abdul Haq Urdu University (DrAHUU)

Dr.YSR Architecture Fine Arts University (DrYSRAFU)

Rajiv Gandhi University Of Knowledge-AP (RGUKT)

SNO Details Date & Time
1 Last date & Time for submission of online application and payment of registration fee through the portal 20.11.2023 5:00 PM
2 Last date & Time for receiving hardcopy of the application along with all enclosures by post/ courier: 27.11.2023 5:00 PM
3 Display of the list of prima-facie eligible and ineligible applicants for screening test of Assistant Professors & Lecturers 30.11.2023
4 Last date & Time for receiving grievances on prima-facie eligibility for Assistant Professors 7.12.2023 5:00 PM
5 Display of the final list of prima-facie eligible candidates for screening test of Assistant Professors. 8.12.2023
6 Notification for screening/written test by the APPSC Will be Notified Later
7 Display of schedule of subject wise screening/written tests conducted by the APPSC Will be Notified Later
8 Allocation of Test Centres and Issue of Hall Tickets by the APPSC Will be Notified Later
9 Declaration of Results by the APPSC Will be Notified Later
10 Preliminary shortlisting of 12:1 prima-facie eligible candidates from screening/written test against the category wise vacancies by the University Will be Notified Later
11 Display of list of 12:1 candidates with their respective scores in the order of merit and eligibility for Assistant Professors. Display of eligible and ineligible candidates with validated scores. Will be Notified Later
12 Last date for receiving grievances on the validated scores for shortlisted applicants. Will be Notified Later
13 Display of final list of 4:1 shortlisted candidates for interviews by Screening cum Evaluation Committee. Will be Notified Later
14 Display of schedule of Interviews Will be Notified Later
SNO Details Date & Time
1 Last date & Time for submission of online application and payment of registration fee through the portal 20.11.2023 5:00 PM
2 Last date & Time for receiving hardcopy of the application along with all enclosures by post/ courier 27.11.2023 5:00 PM
3 Display of the list of prima-facie eligible and ineligible applicants Will be Notified later
4 Last date for receiving grievances on prima-facie eligibility Will be Notified later
5 Display of the final list of prima-facie eligible candidates Will be Notified later
6 Display of final list of 4:1 shortlisted candidates for interviews by Screening cum Evaluation Committee Will be Notified later
7 Last date for receiving grievances Will be Notified later
8 Display of the final list of candidates Will be Notified later
9 Display of schedule of Interviews Will be Notified later
  • Registration on the website is mandatory.
  • Candidates should register only once for applying Assistant professors/Assistant Librarian/Assistant Director/Associate professors/Deputy Librarian/Deputy Director/Professors/Librarian/Director in any University (ies).
  • Multiple user IDs for one applicant is prohibited.
  • Candidates wish to apply for more tests need to apply with the same registration/login credentials. They have to pay a separate fee for each test.
  • A Separate Registration is required to apply for Lecturer positions in RGUKT.

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