AP KGBV Permission to re-engage of 28 Part-time PGTs (Telugu) and 31 Part-time PGTs (English)

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AP KGBV Permission to re-engage of 28 Part-time PGTs (Telugu) and 31 Part-time PGTs (English):APSS – KGBVs – Permission to re-engage of 28 Part-time PGTs (Telugu) and 31 Part-time PGTs (English) in the same methodology / 2nd methodology – Instructions – Issued   Memo No. SS-21021/72/2023-IED & KGBV-SSA Dated:06/10/2023

AP KGBV Permission to re-engage of 28 Part-time PGTs (Telugu) and 31 Part-time PGTs (English)

APSS – KGBVs – Permission to re-engage of 28 Part-time PGTs (Telugu) and 31 Part-time PGTs (English) in the same methodology / 2nd methodology – Instructions – Issued   Memo No. SS-21021/72/2023-IED & KGBV-SSA Dated:06/10/2023


1. Govt. Memo No. ESE01-SEDN0SPD/120/2020-3, dt: 26.05.2023

2. Govt. Memo No. ESE01-SEDN0SPD/120 /2020-3, dt: 14.06.2023

3. Recruitment Notification No. 1/2023

4. This office Proc. Rc. No. SS21021/72/2023-IED & KGBV – SSA, dated: 28.05.2023

5. This office Proc. Rc. No. SS21021/72/2023-IED & KGBV – SSA, dated: 14.06.2023

6. This office e-office No. SS-21021/72/2023-IED&KGBV-SSA, dated: 08.2023

7. Memo No. ESE01-SEDN0SPD/120/2020-6, dt: 04.10.2023 

The District Educational Officers & Ex-officio Project Coordinators Samagra Shiksha and Additional Project Coordinators in the State are informed that in the ref. 1st & 2nd cited Govt. has accorded permission to fill up 1555 vacant teaching posts in the KGBVs. Accordingly, vide ref. 3rd to 5th cited this office has issued Recruitment notification and guidelines for filling up of the vacant teaching posts in the KGBVs through the District Level Committees in their respective districts.

Further, they are informed that due to non-availability of sufficient PGTs posts in the KGBVs in the Project Approval Board (PAB), certain Part-time PGTs (Telugu) and (English), who worked as on part-time basis were discontinued.

Further, they are informed that after completion of recruitment process certain posts are lying vacant due to non-joining / resignation of the newly selected candidates.

In the ref. 7th read above, Govt. has accorded permission to re­engage 28 Part-time PGTs (Telugu) and 31 Part-time PGTs (English) (who were worked during the period 2018-19 to 2022-23 and having continuous period of minimum two years of services in the vacant posts of same methodology / 2nd methodology of PGTs / CRTs posts.

As such, the following time-line is issued to re-engage the Part-time PGTS (Telugu) and (English) (who have two and above years continuous service up to 2022-23) on seniority basis in their respective cadres with same remuneration at they were dis-continued.

Guidelines for conducting of Counseling:

  1. Counselling should be conducted to the vacant PGT Posts as a first instant based on subject seniority.
  2. Counselling should be conducted to the vacant CRT Posts after filling up of vacant PGTs based on subject seniority.
  3. After filling up of same subject vacant posts, the leftover candidates shall be filled up against 2nd methodology vacant posts.
  4. In case of any senior part-time PGT desires to go for CRT post / 2nd methodology CRT post, the request may be considered.
  5. Under any circumstances, seniority should not be deviated.
  6. All eligible candidates must be worked for the last two academic years ie., 2021-22 and 2022-23 invariably.
  7. In case of candidates worked for one year not eligible.
  8. In case of candidates worked during the year 2018-19 to 2022-23 and but not worked for last two consequent years ie., 2021-22 and 2022-23 are not eligible.
  9. In case of finalization of seniority, date of joining are same, then consider the date of birth and identify the elder one is the senior.

Therefore, all District Educational Officers & Ex-officio Project Coordinators, SS and Additional Project Coordinators, SS of erstwhile districts are requested to take immediate action as per timelines prescribed above duly briefing process to the District Collector / Joint Collector of respective districts and complete the recruitment process without any deviation. Also ensure that all the recruited candidates should be placed in schools by 12.10.2023 without fail. Any deviation in this regard will be viewed as serious.


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