74 DYEO Posts in AP Education Department

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74 DYEO Posts in AP Education Department @1 DyEO for One Revenue Division GO 56 Restructuring of the Existing 53 Educational Divisions in the restructured Districts into 74 Educational Divisions, on par with the 74 Revenue Divisions Re-appropriating the existing Deputy Educational Officer (Dy,E.O) posts one Deputy Educational Officer post for all 74 Revenue Divisions

One Deputy Educational Officer post for each Revenue Division School Education – Restructuring of the Existing 53 Educational Divisions in the restructured Districts into 74 Educational Divisions, on par with the 74 Revenue Divisions – Strengthening the divisional supervisory structure of School Education Department in districts – Re-appropriating the existing Deputy Educational Officer (Dy,E.O) posts in district offices to ensure one Deputy Educational Officer post for all 74 Revenue Divisions – Orders – Issued.




Read the following:

  1. From the Commissioner of School Education, Rc. No. ESE02-12021/110/2022-EST 2-CSE, Dated 05/06/2022 and e-file Comp. No. 1722933, dt. 05.06.2022.
  2. From the CSE, e-file Comp,No.1722933, dt. 08.2022, 13.09.2022 and 25.10.2022.

Government have issued orders for restructuring of existing (13) districts into (26) districts in the State of Andhra Pradesh to take Governance to the doorsteps of the citizens, with the avowed objective of improving the lives of the citizens of Andhra Pradesh and enhancing their satisfaction, The existing (13) districts were organized into (26) districts as a part of decentralization and the smaller administrative units will bring better transparency, administration, and more smoother and effective delivery of welfare in Andhra Pradesh. Further, the number of people living in each district has been brought down to facilitate better administration and complete focus on each district. In the State, there are 74 Revenue Divisions, however, the Educational Divisions are only 53, resulting in that after restructuring of districts, certain mandals which are in the jurisdiction of one educational division fall into the geographical boundaries of another District/Revenue Division.


The posts of Deputy Educational Officers (Dy.E.Os) which were created in the existing 53 Educational divisions in the State basing on the number of schools functioning in the district, are as detailed below:-


SI. No.

Erstwhile District

No. of existing Educational



4 (including ITDA, Seethampeta)



3 (including ITDA,


 Vishakapatnam  3 (including Paderu)


East Godavari



West Godavari

6 (including ITDA, Kota




























For ease of administration and effective monitoring of Schemes and Schools in the newly formed districts, the restructuring of Educational Divisions is necessary. To assimilate the revenue divisions with educational divisions, as post-restructuring of districts, certain mandals which are in the jurisdiction of one educational division fall into the geographical boundaries of another District/Revenue Division. As the several prestigious flagship programmes are being implemented by the School Education Dept., by bringing educational reforms viz., Mana Badi-Nadu Nedu, Jagananna Vidya Kanuka, JVD, Jagananna Ammavodi, Jagananna Gorumudda (Mid Day Meals), TMF, SMF, Byjus content, Smart TVs, IFPs etc, proper monitoring and implementation of these programmes at ground level, is very much essential, to bring out the optimum results desired by the Government.


To be more prudent in coordinating with the divisional level officers in Revenue Dept., i.e., Revenue Divisional Officer, in effective implementation and monitoring of the Government prestigious flagship programmes, it is essential for the educational divisions to be co-terminus with the Revenue Divisions. The objective for restructuring the Education Divisions is to ensure the optimum learning outcomes of the students through close monitoring of the teaching-learning activity right from the school level.


The parameter for formation of the Education Division is the number of schools to be monitored by each Mandal Educational Officer who in turn will report to the Deputy Educational Officer at Division level. The existing Educational Divisions are established during 1960s when approximately 15,000 schools were there in the cr.-Awhile Andhra Pradesh State and about 121 Educational Divisions were established, with an average of 124 schools, which were fallen under the control of each Dy.EO. Whereas, now there are around 60,000 schools in the present State of Andhra Pradesh post bifurcation of the State and 53 Educational Divisions were &lotted to the State. Approximately, 1132 schools are falling under the control of each Dy.E.O, thereby multiplying/ increase in the workload by 10 times on each Dy.E.O. Therefore, in order to streamline the inspectorate for better monitoring and supervision, it is proposed to restructure the existing (53) Educational Divisions and for formation of the Divisions by clubbing the Mandals co-terminus with the 74 Revenue divisions for effective administration and better reporting system.


The Commissioner of School Education, in the references read above, has reported that the required 74 posts of Deputy Educational Officers (Dy.Eos) for the proposed 74 Educational Divisions on par with the revenue divisions, to be carved out in the following manner:-

i. Existing Dy. E.O posts in School Education cadre 50
ii. Existing Gr-I H.M. Posts (equivalent cadre of the DyEO) in the State School Education cadre 08
iii Dy. E.O posts in existing Z.P. Divisions in School Education cadre 13
iv . Dy.E.O (Agency) posts in the Tribal Welfare cadre 03
Total No. of Dy.E.O posts available for the proposed 74 Educational Divisions on par with the revenue divisions 74


The Commissioner of School Education, has further stated that, the Government have converted and upgraded 998 Gr. II Headmaster posts, vide G.O. Ms. No.137, School Education (Ser.II) Dept., dated 23.08.2022, which includes 8 Gr. II Headmaster posts, which can be adjusted in place of the 8 Gazetted Headmasters Gr.I  posts. These (8) Gazetted Headmaster Gr-I posts, which are in the same cadre of Dy.E.0 in position and scale of pay, may be utilized by renaming as Deputy Educational Officers.


The Tribal Welfare Department have given their consent for utilization of the (03) Dy.E.O posts under their jurisdiction, stating that though the said 03 Dy.E.O posts are under the cadre strength of the Tribal Welfare , they will attend al the duties of the School Education Department in the 1ribal areas, on par with the DEOs / Dy.EOs of the School Education Department in plain areas.


The (13) Dy.E.O posts of Zilla Parishads, are part and parcel of cadre strength of the School Education Department, but kept under the control of CEOs of 13 Zilla Parishads of erstwhile Andhra Pradesh State under the name of Parishad Educational Officer, vide G.O.Ms.No.259, Dt:09.02.1952 and renamed as Deputy Educational Officer (Lila Parishad) in 2005 and are vacant for about last two decades. It is proposed to change the nomenclature of Deputy Educational Officer (ZP) as Deputy Educational Officer, on par with the existing Deputy Educational Officers who are executing duties viz., visits, inspections, monitoring etc., to all the schools under both the Government and Parishad Managements.


The Panchayat raj & Rural Development Department have agreed to the above proposal, in the interests of the better management of all the public schools in the state.


Government, after careful examination of the matter, hereby order to restructure the existing (53) Educational Divisions into (74) Educational Divisions in the restructured districts by re-appropriating the existing Deputy Educational Officer (Dy. E.o) posts in district offices to ensure @ one Deputy Educational Officer post for all 74 Revenue Divisions, to strengthen the divisional supervisory structure of School Education Department in the districts, as carved out in the following manner, duly changing the nomenclature of the Deputy Educational Officer (Zara Parishad) as Deputy Educational Officer in Education Department: –


The Commissioner of School Education, shall take further necessary action accordingly, in the matter.


Download DyEOs G.O.Ms.No. 56 Dated:20.06.2023

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