AP Shikshak Parv – 2022-23 Guidelines to celebrate AND Certain instructions

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AP Shikshak Parv – 2022-23 Guidelines to celebrate  AND Certain instructions

AP Shikshak Parv – 2022-23 Guidelines to celebrate  AND Certain instructions

 AP Samagra Shiksha – SIEMAT – Guidelines to celebrate Shikshak Parv – 2022 – 23 – Certain instructions 


AP Samagra Shiksha – SIEMAT – Guidelines to celebrate Shikshak Parv – 2022-23 – Certain instructions – issued 

Memo No. SS-15021/15/2021-SAMO-SSA, dt.01/09/2022


Ref: Secretary, MoE, DoSE&L, New Delhi, D.O. Lr. No.1-2/2022-IS.20, dt.25.08.2022.


It is informed that in the reference cited, the Secretary, MoE, DoSE&L, New Delhi has informed that the Dept. School Education has decided to celebrate Shikshak Parv – every year since 2020 in the country. This year also Shikshak Parv is starting with the celebration of Teachers day on 5th September onwards for the entire month of September,2022 in all schools, higher educational institutions and institutes of MoSDE.


Further, it is informed that the Secretary, MoE, DoSE&L New Delhi has stated that, this year Shikshak Parv-2022-23 is aimed to celebrate on a scale which encompasses all the stake holders involving each and every functionary of School Education right from school teachers, students to MRCs, CRCs DIETs and S.C.E.R.T., etc.


Hence, all the District Educational Officers & Ex-Officio Project Coordinators and all the Additional Project Coordinators of Samgara Shiksha in the State are hereby informed that the MoE, DoSE&L New Delhi has given the details of the activities in Annexure and requested for dissemination to all stake holders such as teachers/MRCs/CRCs, DIETs and SCERT at the State level and all CBSE affiliation schools at national level for the participation in the activities of Shikshak Parv 2022-23 in a decentralized manner with an objective to enhance their ownership for implementation of the NEP 2020 and empower them to take collective responsibilities.


The following are the activities to be conducted:

  • Demonstration followed by the interaction on ‘Innovative Pedagogy” for teachers in every School (1hour) on any day between 6th – 30th September, 2022.
  • Senior students may act as Teachers (on September 5th 2022).
  • Writing questions/items based on learning outcomes at the school level or an item bank (6th September to 18th November 2022).

Therefore, they are informed that the modalities for all activities were given in Annexure and requested to issue instructions to all schools to take 4-5 photographs of the innovative pedagogy sessions and other activities for display and upload along with brief write up of more than 500 words on the Vidya Amrit Portal (https://microimp.ndear.gov.in/. Up loading of Videos on innovative Pedagogy by the teacher on Vidya Amrit portal( 15th Sept. to 31st October, 2022)

Shikshak Parv 2022-23 Department of School Education and Literacy:

It is proposed to involve all the Schools, Cluster Resource Centres (CRCs), Block Resource Centres (BRCs), DIETs and SCERTs at the State level and all the CBSE affiliated schools including KVs and NVs at the National level for celebrating the Shikshak Parv for 2022-23 in a decentralised manner, with an objective to enhance their ownership for the implementation of the NEP 2020 and empowering them to take collective responsibilities.

In this regard, following activities are suggested:

Demonstration followed by Interaction on ‘Innovative Pedagogy’ for teachers in every School (Time -1 Hr) (On any day between 6th – 30th September 2022)


    1. CRC Resource Person/BRC Resource Person1/DIET faculty will conduct a demonstration session with all the teachers in every government school in the respective cluster. The demonstration will be based on teaching a selected topic of a selected subject of any grade in an innovative, joyful and engaging manner.
    2. Schedule for conducting this demonstration session will be developed at the DIET level involving respective CRC/BRC Coordinator, taking guidance from SCERT.
    3. All the CRC Resource Persons and BRC Resource Persons will prepare their demonstration plan on innovative pedagogy for a generic session or subject-specific session. This may be planned keeping in view, the needs of school teachers for the orientation on subject-specific pedagogy already identified at the CRC level.
    4. The Programme Schedule including date, time, and name of the Resource Person for taking session need to be distributed among all concerned CRC/BRC Resource Persona at least three days prior to the programme, so that every RP will get sufficient time for preparation. The teachers from the clusters may also be identified to be a demonstrator in these interactions.
    5. All the schools will be informed well- in time for the demonstration session ensuring presence of all the teachers for the same.
    6. A BRC Resource Person would be a Subject Specific Resource Person or a CwSN Resource Person depending on the subject selected for interaction on Innovative Pedagogy.
    7. In case of a smaller number of teachers in a school, CRC may decide to hold demonstration session in one school inviting teachers from nearby schools within a range of 1-2 Kilometres.
    1. For demonstration session, a suitable venue may be identified within the school itself.
    2. SCERT will take lead in this regard and will inform and provide academic support to all the CRCs and BRCs for this activity.
    3. In case of CBSE affiliated schools including KVS and NVS, a list of teachers/mentors/resource persons need to be prepared for conducting innovative pedagogy / demonstration in every school by the CBSE, KVS and NVS. All the schools may be informed about this activity and the suggested teacher/mentor/resource person. Schools may be asked to conduct this programme at their own level.
    4. All the schools may also be requested take 4-5 photographs of the Innovative Pedagogy Session for display and upload along with a brief write up of not more than 500 words on the Vidya Amrit Portal (https://microimp.ndear.gov.in/)

    II. Senior Students may act as Teachers (On 5th September 2022) Modalities:

    1. In every school, some senior students from within the school can be selected by the teachers, to become teachers for the rest of the classes on Teachers’ Day. Engagement of classes can cover all the curricular areas including arts, physical education, etc.
    2. An orientation programme may be conducted by some of the teachers for these senior students on ‘how to engage children for learning in a joyful manner’. Every selected student must get at least one period to teach. Effort should be made to provide opportunities to as many students as possible under this.
    3. The student teachers who receive the best feedback from the children in the classrooms can also be given a certificate of recognition by the school. Feedback may be taken on the student’s performance by the regular teachers on the next day.
    4. In primary schools, class 5 students may be oriented and prepared for engaging with the lower classes under the observation of concerned teachers.
    5. Teachers may be encouraged to take selfies with the student representatives (as teacher on Teachers Day) and post on Social media with hashtag # humareyteachersabsaybest

    III. Writing of questions/Items based on Learning Outcomes at the school  level for an Item bank (from 6th September to 18th November 2022)


    1. Every school could try to prepare about three items/questions based on learning outcomes of different subjects, covering different grades.
    2. Each school can prepare questions/items for Foundational, Preparatory, Middle and Secondary Stage.
    3. CRC will select three best questions each in different categories i.e., Foundational Stage (for classes 1-2), Preparatory (Classes 3-5), Middle (Classes 6-8) and (Secondary 9-12); and across topics/ subjects. A total of 12 best questions will be submitted to the BRC.
    4. Each BRC will then select the best four questions from the 12 questions submitted by each CRC and submit these 4 best selected questions to the respective DIET in the district.
    5. Each DIET will compile all the questions received from all the respective BRCs and send this compiled document to SCERT. SCERT will compile all the questions received from the respective DIETs and then submit to the Ministry of Education through MyGov.
    6. The total number of questions estimated to be submitted from across the country is around 28,000.
    7. The best entries selected at national Level will be given certificates by the NCERT.
    8. These questions will further be vetted by the NCERT and CBSE for creating a huge ITEM BANK for across the stages.
    9. Guidelines for writing items for the Item Bank will be prepared by Educational Survey Division, NCERT and shared with SCERTS by 25th August 2022.
    10. Teachers will be able to send in their submissions from the 6th of September 2022 to 26th of September 2022.
    11. The CRC can review submissions and shortlist them to share with the BRC, between the 26th of September 2022 to the 7th of October
    12. The BRC can review the CRC’s shortlisted submissions and further shortlist them for the DIET between the 7th of October 2022 to the 14th of October 2022.
    13. The District Institution of Education and Training (DIET) can review and shortlist the BRP’s shortlisted submissions from the 14th of October 2022 to the 21st of October 2022.
    14. The State Council of Educational Research and Training (SCERT) will be able to review the submissions shortlisted by the DIET between the 21st of October 2022 to the 1st of November 2022.
    15. The National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) will review and shortlist finalists between the 1st of November 2022 to the 18th of November 2022.

    Uploading of Videos on Innovative Pedagogy by the Teacher on Vidya Amrit Portal (15 Sept. to 31 Oct, 2022)

    1. School Teachers may be requested to upload their videos on innovative pedagogy on the Vidya Amrit Portal.
    2. Rating (in the form of stars) will be provided by the viewers on these
    3. Guidelines on the Video and its uploading will be provided by the CIET by 25th August 2022. Technical know-how of uploading of videos also needs to be observed by the CIET.

      Download Proceedings Guidelines

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