AP Course No.3 – 30 Day certificate course in English language teaching for High School / Higher Secondary School Teachers / Teacher Trainers / DIET faculty from 22.08.2022 to 20.09.2022 at RIESI, Bangalore – Orders

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AP Course No.3 – 30 Day certificate course in English language teaching for High School / Higher Secondary School Teachers / Teacher Trainers / DIET faculty from 22.08.2022 to 20.09.2022 at RIESI, Bangalore – Orders

Proc.Rc. ESE02-22/33/2022-SCERT Dated: 19/08/2022

Sub: School Education SCERT, AP Course No.3 – 30 Day certificate course in English language teaching for High School / Higher Secondary School Teachers / Teacher Trainers / DIET faculty from 22.08.2022 to 20.09.2022 at RIESI, Bangalore – Orders- Issued – Reg.


1. Lr. From the Director. RIESI, Bengaluru,RIE/TRG/CELT/SEC-CRS 3/KT-AP-TG/2022-2023, Dt:28.07.2022 

2. The Annual Plan approved by the Chairperson. Board of Governors in the meeting held on 18.02.2022.

The attention of all the District Educational Officers in the state is invited to the reference 1st read above, wherein the Director, RIESI, Bangalore has informed that Regional Institute of English, South India, Jnanabharathi Campus, Bangalore is proposed to conduct 30-day Certificate Course in English Language Teaching for High School/Higher Secondary School Teachers/ Teacher trainers/ DIET faculty from 22.08.2022 to 20.09.2022 at RIESI,Bengaluru.

Further, they are informed that the identified teachers list from the districts are enclosed annexure. They should ensure that the identified teachers shall attend the training from 22.08.2022 to 20.09.2022 subject to condition that they must give training in turn to schools and teachers working in surrounding Mandals after completion of the training programme.

Therefore, the District Educational officers concerned are requested to relieve and depute (35) identified teachers who are teaching English at Secondary level on or before 21.08.2022, so as to enable them to reach the venue on time to attend the training programme from 22.08.2022 to 20.09.2022 at RIESI, Bengaluru.

Encl: Annexure

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